A Look At The Link Between Childhood Vaccines and Autism: Part One
Many doctors have made huge sacrifices in pursuit of this simple question: do childhood vaccines contribute to the alarming increase in Autism among children? Let's take a look.
Article by Scott Armstrong | Rebunked News | @RebunkedNews
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Question Everything
One of the most incendiary topics out there is the discussion around whether or not certain childhood vaccines have contributed to the alarming increase in the prevalence of Autism in today’s world. Nothing will get you thrown in the “quack” bin or ostracized as a crazy, tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist faster than making the claim that there is evidence to suggest that certain ingredients in childhood vaccines could potentially be responsible for the epidemic of Autism we are seeing today.
Many doctors, including the recently deceased Dr. Rashid Buttar, dedicated their lives to helping create awareness around this single topic. In this Three Part series, we are going to unpack some of the information around the topic.
Let’s take a look at the history of this debate, the censorship, the fallout and the state of the conversation today.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), more commonly referred to as Autism, is a disorder that has become so prevalent in our society, that we must have these conversations in order to understand what could possibly be happening. What was once a very rare condition, is now almost everywhere we look.
What is Autism? According to The Autism Society (funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation):
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), hereafter referred to as Autism (which includes Asperger’s Disorder and Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified [PDD-NOS]), is a complex, lifelong developmental condition that typically appears during early childhood and can impact a person’s social skills, communication, relationships, and self-regulation. The Autism experience is different for everyone. It is defined by a certain set of behaviors and is often referred to as a “spectrum condition” that affects people differently and to varying degrees.
They go on to state that Autism is now seen in 1 out of every 36 children, which is unbelievably shocking. In the 1970’s, Autism was a relatively rare condition. As you can see in this chart, the increase in diagnosed cases of Autism has risen exponentially over the last several decades, reaching where it is today. This is inorganic and there has to be some sort of external, environmental cause.

It’s hard to find charts that reflect the current data, so I created a quick chart to visually show the rapid increase, particularly since the early 2000’s.
I used data from the CDC to create this chart:

There is absolutely no doubt that something extremely alarming is happening. Let’s look at some possible explanations.
The Concern: Childhood Vaccines
In 2004, Dr. Rashid Battar spoke before congress and outlined his concerns that the environmental cause of Autism is childhood vaccines. In a report that coincided with his presentation before congress entitled “Autism Spectrum Disorders: An Update of Federal Government Initiatives and Revolutionary New Treatments of Neurodevelopmental Diseases,” Dr. Buttar claims that the increase is due to mercury toxicity. He states:
A lot of attention has been given regarding the link between mercury and autism, with mercury being the possible factor underlying the etiology of this condition. The issue of whether mercury plays a role in Autism or other neurodevelopmental disorders has been the subject of long debate and extreme political discourse but the evidence is overwhelmingly obvious to even the simplest of intellects, once the data is objectively reviewed.
Much of the rest of the document explores, in depth, the link between mercury exposure, primarily through vaccination, and Autism:
How reasonable is it to claim that the most common form of autism, where there is normal development and then regression, could be caused by mercury poisoning? There are several reasons to believe that this process has indeed occurred.
In Part Two, we will get into the history of the debate, highlighting the work of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Dr. Brian Hooker, Dr. William Thompson, and more. Part Three will discuss the current work being done around getting some answers, including a further dive into the legacy left behind by Dr. Rashid Buttar and also some exciting new work that is being done by Steve Kirsch.
For now, I just really want to drive home the point that as the amount of diagnosed Autism increased, the amount of shots being administered to children has escalated as well. You can see the slow creep of one shot after another being added to the list, reaching the unimaginably shocking level that it is today, courtesy of Marin Healthcare in Marin County, CA:
And then of course, we have the current CDC Childhood Vaccine Schedule, complete with the COVID-19 Injection:
Things have obviously escalated quite a bit since the 1950’s. While this is an article focused on Autism, there are lots of great resources out there to look further into other concerns related to childhood vaccines and to dispel some of the propaganda that exists out there around the history of vaccines. Here is a great breakdown from our friends at Learn The Risk (LearnTheRisk.org)
Stay tuned for Part Two where we will go in-depth into the groundbreaking studies that began coming out in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s that put the entire pharmaceutical industry into a panic and the backlash that occured.
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Thanks for covering this issue. My daughter just got diagnosed with autism and I would love to know why she has it. Thanks again.