
Australian Regulators Lie About Gene Therapy Testing Protocol

A very revealing video shows that the Australian government hid behind a loophole in the law in order to not properly test the experimental modRNA gene therapy products that it thrust upon its people.

Article by Scott Armstrong | Rebunked News | @RebunkedNews

Clip from The Daily Wrap-up with Ryan Cristián:

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As the world is distracted with war and violence on the other side of the world (which TLAV has been doing the most in depth coverage of), it is important to continue to focus on issues that are still important in our respective homes. The narrative around the COVID shots is deteriorating more and more each day, and we need to keep hammering this information out there.

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In the clip above, Ryan alludes to the fact that it is becoming increasingly difficult to argue that these shots were NOT weapons that were deployed against the people. It is clear that they chose to make these shots more dangerous than they otherwise would haven needed to be.

Check out our previous coverage on DNA Contamination in the COVID shots:

In the conversation in the video above, we take a look at a regulatory agency in Australia known as the Office of the Gene Therapy Regulator (GTR) at https://ogtr.gov.au/.

Australian Senator Gerard Rennick questions a representative from the GTR about how they were able to circumvent the need to provide any regulation for the modRNA COVID-19 Gene Therapy injections. The representative claims that since the gene therapy products (the Pfizer & Moderna shots) were from a foreign country, they were not required to be tested like gene therapy products would need to be if they had been made in Australia, according to the Gene Technology Act of 2000.

Had they actually conducted the necessary studies or safety evaluations, they would have found what we are all finding out right now: that these shots are harmful and ineffective.


The representative of the GTR changes her story while being questioned. At first, she states that there was no gene therapy technology in the shots to begin with, but then when she realizes that she is caught in a lie, her story changes to the fact that since the gene therapy products were not made in Australia, they did not require oversight. She says “the Gene Technology Act doesn’t reach into manufacturing in other countries.”

It seems that we are in the cover-up phase of the operation, as the house of cards collapses and everyone tries to blame each other for the fallout of the COVID shot rollout. We will continue to be over here getting this information out and working towards holding these people accountable.

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