Blindness, Unconsciousness and Loss of Speech in Patients Post-Vaccination
An excerpt from Taylor Hudak’s interview with Prof. Arne Burkhardt.
(Watch the full interview here)
Written by Taylor Hudak
Prof. Burkhardt states that vasculitis (inflammation) of the small blood vessels in the brain was one of the most alarming findings in his study. Furthermore, he shares that it was observed to varying degrees in almost all patients in his study.
“In many cases it’s very discreet, but you have to look for it.”
In the above image, in both cases, one can see lymphocytes within and around the blood vessel walls and in the surrounding brain tissue.
The image on left shows lymphocytic vasculitis in an 85 year-old man, who died 43 days after receiving one dose of the Pfizer vaccine. The image on the right shows vasculitis with a blood clot in an 81 year-old woman, who died 23 days after also receiving one dose of the Pfizer vaccine.
“With these small vessels in the brain, the endothelium is swollen, but then there are these small blue dots, these are lymphocytes, which aggregate around these small vessels.”
Prof. Burkhardt explains that the presence of lymphocytes indicates that there is inflammation likely triggered by some antigenic structure, and in this case, it is likely the spike protein from the vaccination.
“In many of these cases which have more pronounced inflammation of the vessels of the brain, there have been transient defects like loss of speech for a few hours, unconsciousness for some hours, blindness for some hours. If there is no major inflammation and no hemorrhage, the brain is able to compensate again.”
In cases in which the vasculitis of the small blood vessels in the brain is accompanied by bleeding and hemorrhage, it may lead to death. However, it most cases, it is a side effect which may be compensated and healed to a certain degree, according to Prof. Burkhardt.
Additionally, he confirms that it is possible many vaccinated patients may have some symptoms including periods of blindness, loss of speech or consciousness and may not realize that they have vasculitis of the small blood vessels in the brain.
“In some cases, change in the character of the vaccinated is reported. Sometimes it’s reversible and apparently, in some cases, not. And this (vasculitis in the brain) may be one of the reasons.”
The final statement there by Burkhardt resonates with me, and I am sure many others, who have observed such changes in some of those who were "vaccinated."
This comment has nothing to do with this post but I’m trying to reach Ryan.
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