Eco-Warrior Mark Carney: Set Up To Replace Trudeau And Usher In Great Reset
Written by Matt Ehret
In September 2013, while still a volunteer with the Canadian branch of the LaRouche Movement, I found myself spearheading a campaign to break up the banks of Canada and shed light on the incoming Bail-in legislation being set up to loot depositors’ accounts.
To launch that campaign I made a short video with a colleague where I warned that a certain creepy figure named Mark Carney had been deployed by the highest echelons of the Financier Oligarchy centered in the City of London to oversee the controlled disintegration of the world economy and transition towards a new depopulation-oriented world order.
Today, Mark Carney, a darling of the Central Bankers and self-professed ‘eco-warrior’ of banking has been named Chairman of a new Taskforce for Economic Growth for Canada’ where he will work closely with fellow Oxford ideologue and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland in overseeing a transition of the economy into a green, decarbonated hellscape.
It is my intention to explain what this means, and the danger of Carney’s position as the replacement for the widely-hated Justin Trudeau in the coming months.
Carney the Eco-Warrior Takes the Helm Again
When Mark Carney stepped down from the position of Governor of the Bank of Canada in 2013 to become the first non-British Governor of the Bank of England since the private central bank was created in 1694, it was made clearly known that this Oxford-trained Canadian technocrat had been vetted by some very high level powers.
After training for years as a Goldman Sachs investment banker where his activities helped fuel the bubble that nearly brought down the world economy in 2008, Carney was brought into the Governorship of the Bank of Canada to take on the role as the clean, conservative-minded Canadian central banker navigating through the chaos which his former employer helped create. It was at this time that Carney became a member of the Rockefeller Foundation’s Group of 30, Foundation board member of the World Economic Forum, and leading participant at Bilderberg and Davos events. While still Bank of Canada governor, Carney was handed the keys to the BIS’s Financial Stability Board (FSB) by fellow Goldman Sachs man Mario Draghi in 2011 where he managed global derivates regulation (aka: fuse of the international weapon of mass financial destruction now bursting at the seams).
After serving seven years as Governor of the Bank of England (2013- March 2020) the world economic system has been stretched to its limits and the oncoming collapse has been accelerated by a global pandemic age.
On August 10th 2020, Mark Carney (aka: the eco warrior of bankers) returned home to Canada in order to organize a task force to restart the economy (titled the “Canadian Pandemic Recovery Plan”) which set the stage for those Green New Deal reforms laid out during the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” summit of July 14, 2020.
The Great Reset Fraud
As I laid out in my recent paper The Great Reset Fraud, this program is little more than a cover for global depopulation and world government run by the same arsonists who have lit the world economy on fire in the first place.
Calling for a new hierarchy of values which will shape the new system, which Carney and Freeland (both Oxford trained technocrats) believe will come online in short order, in an April 2020 interview on the Post-Covid19 economy, Carney stated “the great test whether this new hierarchy of values will prevail is climate change.”
For anyone sick of the immoral, monetarist religion of free markets that have run roughshod over the world for the past forty years of post-industrial decay, war and speculation, the proposition to change our “hierarchy of values” may seem like a breath of fresh air. The problem is that the drive of a green economy of green bonds, green grids, carbon taxes, cap and trades, and green banking will tend to cause humanity as a whole to suffer immensely and will strip nation states of the productive industrial potential needed to resist the will of a transnational oligarchy.
Like all nations, Canada’s economy is extremely reliant on fossil fuels, and every attempt made to create green infrastructure grids has resulted in massive energy price spikes for consumers, unreliable electricity prone to blackouts, and massive tax-payer subsidies to keep green industries financially viable. These problems have required the emergence of green reset task forces using a pandemic to force through changes which would never be democratically accepted under “normal” circumstances.
The Carney/Freeland Great Reset Task Force
For the past several years, both Carney and Freeland have been laying the groundwork for a new system of measuring “value” aimed at reducing both national sovereignty and nations’ physical capabilities to sustain human life while simultaneously (and quite ironically) doing grave damage to the environment.
For starters, Carney’s Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures co-run by New York billionaire Michael Bloomberg aims to force all companies in the world to disclose all activities that either create carbon dioxide or disrupt supposed states of natural equilibrium which mathematical ivory tower ecologists presume govern all natural states.
On February 26, 2020, Carney joined Sir David Attenborough in launching the “COP26 Green Private Finance Initiative to ensure that “every professional financial decision to take climate change into account. The right framework for reporting, risk management and returns will embed these considerations and help finance a whole economy transition. To achieve net zero, every company, bank, insurer and investor will need to adjust their business models for a low carbon world.”
Sir Attenborough has been a lifelong friend of Prince Philip and a neo-Malthusian guru who has attempted to teach the world that all of our woes stem not from systems of empire (to which his career is vitally beholden), but rather to over population. A recent call to leaders to correct this problem using the cover of COVID-19 is one of countless testimonies to this misanthropic philosophy.
The Green bankers Climate Compact which Carney pioneered would ensure that companies which are considered “dirty” would never receive loans from banks and any insurance they received would come at impossibly high premiums as punishment for their climate offending ways. As a shining role model for “good green behavior” Carney has cited his former employer Goldman Sachs has already ruled out any future financing for oil drilling, thermal coal projects, or Arctic development.
In his paper “Fifty Shades of Green”, Carney stated that all dirty (brown) companies with poor climate grades will either not receive loans or receive loans at such high levels of interest that they will be artificially bankrupted (taxing polluters to death).
As Carney said in September 2019, “the firms that anticipate these developments will be rewarded handsomely. Those that don’t will cease to exist”.
This means that every company working along China’s Belt and Road Initiative in Eurasia, the Middle East and Africa would not exist in Carney’s world while any western company which could actually participate positively in the multipolar dynamic would be cut off of all credit and die. From this vantage point, review the fate of companies like SNC Lavalin (which provided key assistance to Qadafi in constructing the Great Manmade Water Project destroyed by NATO in 2011).
After companies have proven their greenness, simply being approved for bank loans will not be enough to carry out their business. Here Carney and his colleagues at Canada’s Infrastructure Investment Bank plan to issue green bonds which today amount to only 5% of all global bond issuances but which Carney hopes will soon attain the “$3.5 trillion in energy sector investments [needed] every year for decades” which are required to “keep warming below 1.5 degrees”.
By re-wiring the Canadian economic system to this new system of values, Carney hopes that the Canadian model will be internationalized so that climate change “will affect the value of virtually every financial asset.”
A New System of Economic Value
The problem with Carney’s Great Reset vision is that “value” is tied not to the rising of living standards, human creative reason, or national productive powers of labour that characterized the creative growth of human civilization for the past several centuries, but rather upon the TOTAL INVERSE. By placing values on reducing human activity, reducing carbon footprints, reducing traces of human activity upon the earth, the potential to sustain life will not only be consciously reduced but financially incentivized. Under a Green New Deal, humanity will effectively be imposing forms of energy and practices onto ourselves which will ensure that we never participate in any large scale projects characteristic of the New Silk Road, Polar Silk Road, Asteroid Defense etc… and will never become capable of freeing themselves from a Malthusian class of supranational bankers managing a post-nation state world order from above.
If the world is truly as closed, finite, and entropic as in the misanthropic minds of an Oxford-trained technocrat like Mark Carney, Chrystia Freeland or David Attenborough, then this sort of post-COVID world order would admittedly be the way to go.
If on the other hand, we happen to live in an open system, creative, anti-entropic universe and express a species characteristic of transcending our “limits to growth” by making new discoveries and translating those discoveries into new scientific and technological progress, then not only should Freeland, Carney, and other Green New Dealers be removed from all positions of high office, but nations should join the multipolar alliance which puts value on increasing humanity’s potential rather than killing off our species under a 21st century blood letting.
Mark Carney, eh?
So the world at large is practically his cash register and he's almost in a position to make that big "cachING" sound pretty soon.
The Bank of England guy.
The Goldman Sachs guy.
CBDC, by any other name, would stink as bad.
Beware all
forms of money.
Just say no to
"conveniences" like:
RF or brain-chip communications;
Digital currencies;
Social credit score;
social media with banking.
Thanks, Ryan.
More please.
Love & Laughter,
mark spark
[ :-)
Carney is another elitist authoritarian that needs to see the sharp end of an axe. Like King Charles I the Commonwealth Royals and their minions rule by dictat and have no concept of the subsidiarity principle.
Plain wanton greed and power. Needs to end now.