Liberty Uncensored - Sliding Past The Algorithms
Showcasing the amazing and ambitious work of Liberty Uncensored Newspaper, a free print and PDF publication released each month that delivers Truth to the masses. See how you can get involved!
Article by Corey Haag |
Substack | @LibertyUNP | LibertyUncensoredNP.comWhat is Liberty Uncensored?
Liberty Uncensored is a free, community-driven, freedom-oriented newsprint. In a world where six corporations control most of the media, and the algorithms keep people from seeing anything they’re not already looking for, it seems clear that getting Truth to the un-initiated masses by any means is more important than ever. Liberty Uncensored is one of those means. LUNP is a physical & digital newspaper, with the physical version being delivered door-to-door (for free) to a growing number of communities. Launched just months ago, LUNP is already distributing physical papers to thousands of readers, with more than 30 brick & mortar locations carrying it. The digital (interactive pdf) version is sent in email blasts & social media posts from dozens of friends, partners, and creators in the Freedom and Truth community, on top of our internal distribution. Getting this information out to as many people as possible is the key.
My name is Corey Haag, though my hereditary name is actually King. And King I am; a Sovereign just like all the Free people of this world. It seems to me that many people still believe themselves slaves and chattel, or at least pretend to be. I am here to remind all of those that I can reach that they are not the property of anyone, that they were born free despite the claims of others, and that they must only unbend their backs and rise up in recognition of their sovereignty to live unbounded.
For years I’ve worked on building up the freedom community from various positions and in numerous ways. I wanted to see the organization of the freedom community form with the gusto of MLK’s great attitude and expression that, “Those who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war.” Well, herding people is much more difficult that cats, it turns out.
So, I wrote my second book, “Unveiling a Better World: Deconstructing the Veracity of the American Fable.” I wanted to describe in great detail, but concisely, the issues we are facing today and resolutions that could be had by immediate action on the part of We the People. I made it encyclopedic, detailing the structure and history of our economy, our government, and our society, from a multitude of angles. I did not make this book an easy read, just a direct and condensed form of the thousands of books, conversations, studies, documentaries, personal experiences and philosophical musings that have comprised my waking hours for more than a decade.
With the advent of the coronavirus scam, I scooped up my family and moved to a rural and highly self-sustaining part of the country, where I now live off-grid. I wasn’t about to let my kid be injected with their mind virus or their genetic manipulation. I was out.
On my birthday, this last October, I was awakened by a powerful epiphany. For years I had considered what the best way was to organize people, disseminate information and community support, and create abundance. I had figured it out. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I was to make a newspaper and bring it to the world for free. I would cover expenses by incorporating advertising, but I would exclusively advertise companies, organizations and individuals who were doing something manifestly beneficial in this world. I love the The Tuttle Twins, so I’ve been ensuring they have a free space in the Paper in every Issue so far. We have advertised colloidal silver, Rebunked Podcast, Geopolitics and Empire Podcast, Kin of Merlin Cascadian Truth-Hop Group, Agorist.Market, and others. With this sort of advertising in the paper, we could not only be a funnel to the highest quality content creators in the world regarding Liberty and Freedom, but we even ensure our readers will only see the highest quality content for consumption from those who are collaborating with us to bring the paper to ever greater numbers of people.
I felt this idea like an electrical bolt surging back and forth in my body and I knew it must come about. I was on fire for a week while developing the idea. By November 1, I had reached out to thirty or more friends in the community and had garnered a support structure. By December 1, our first Issue was out for the public to consume. Issue 1 was all about Free Speech. Fitting I think, seeing as we call ourselves Liberty Uncensored. I delivered hundreds of copies to stores and to doors. I immediately got great responses from people in my local community. One email in particular comes to mind, from a woman in my town that asked me how she could help, right away, in the first email, in the first 3 sentences. It feels amazing to get this kind of feedback and such supportive commentary.

Forgive me a quick tangent here. When the Scamdemic was growing, it came into my awareness that there was a group called the White Rose, disseminating memes and messages that could be printed on stickers by a little thermal printer in vast quantities very cheaply. This meme warfare/guerilla information warfare appealed to me greatly, and I began printing these stickers in the thousands and sticking them to every gas station pump, restaurant table, piggy car, and light pole I could find. I know that there were thousands of others who were doing this around the world. We were the activist truther insurgency, delivering the tangible, physical, and direct message to the people in a way that was making it very hard to avoid. This type of information warfare is what the White Rose refers to, going back to WWII, when a motivated group of activists chose to disseminate anti-tyranny messages in Germany. This is the way we get off the radar of the government and in the radar of the people. Direct, tangible private property, delivered freely to the people, and with the utmost care to drive readers to the ever-deeper ocean of peaceful activism in the form of opting-out, defying tyranny in every way, and organizing together for local autonomy and regenerative society.
Now, back to the story. By Issue 2 (Censorship and Information Warfare), we were making our way to the Greater Reset in Morelia, Mich., Mexico, where I met with my friend of many years, Kenny Palurintano, and many others. I hadn’t left the USSR in several years because I had cocooned myself and the family to wait and observe what the government was going to do with their covidiot army. So, this was my first voyage outside of this country in a while. Strangely, because I used to spend more time outside the country than inside it. I always felt like home was somewhere else, where police didn’t harass me every chance they got, and where people weren’t confused about which genitals they were born with. There are just so many places that are matured beyond the comprehension of the general American populace.
Anyway, I spent time in Morelia distributing my newspaper to the numerous freedom fighters that came to Derrick Broze’s event. I saw many friends and made some collaborative arrangements. In the end, I was inspired to start travelling again as soon as it was possible. I’m sitting now in my spot off the grid, still working toward that goal, and balancing responsibilities and duties here. But soon enough, you will see me at the numerous freedom events that are occurring more and more around the country and the world, travelling as I once did, only now I can bring my little one to join in the celebration of Liberty and Truth and Inspiration and Abundance with all of you.
By Issue 3 (Black History Revisionism), we had started to find our groove with many things, though still hectic as ever with increasing to-do lists that never end. Kenny had come fully on-board with the project after Morelia and was an integral part of the refining that occurred over the last month and a half with the business model and other aspects.
Issue 4 (Community) came out on March 1, and we are still distributing physical copies in the regions where we have volunteers delivering door-to-door or stores that agree to carry the paper. In this Issue we talk about Social Clubs, the New Hampshire Free State Project, the practice of Prepping, the conditions required for community to exist, and much more.
We provide funnels for those who have no idea that the freedom movement exists, or have never understood what anarchy means, or have never heard of Corbett, or Rose, or Gatto, or haven’t ever tasted the sweetness of personal empowerment or wellness. We aren’t a conclusion, we are an option, a choice, a doorway for the uninitiated to begin the process of choosing freedom.
What we recognize, is that the majority of the population will likely never see the digital content the freedom community is producing. They see stooges like Joe Rogan perhaps, but never the more significant news and information, and certainly not the calls to action. The moment a project, an idea, an organization of some type gets too large, it becomes infected with the CIA, the massive censorship machine, and the extreme denial methodologies of the leviathan. To even get to that point though, requires that the people involved aren’t shooting themselves in the foot.
Our solution to censorship is a simple one. Old school paper delivery. Kids riding bikes around town delivering the Freedom Papers to every door, at extremely valuable “cost to reader” ratios for advertisers, and being supported by the folks who are figuring out that the questions and concerns they have been keeping close to their heart, not knowing that there are others like them, have answers, have solutions, have a community of people with similar outlook.
Our vision is be delivering 50,000 physical papers monthly by our 12th Issue, and far more than that digitally, direct to the people through emails and other places.
Let me paint a picture for you.
A 14 year-old boy is riding his bike once a month around your town delivering a 24 page, 11”x17”, full bright white Newsprint to every single door in your neighborhood. He’s happy cause he’s outside, has a purpose other than sloth and television, and he is putting a bit of coin in his pocket. He works a couple days a month and supports his ability to learn what it means to manage his own money, which he has truly earned. Every single door opens up on the 1st of the month to see a newspaper that contains ads from Rebunked Podcast, Gold Exchanges that accept crypto, Microwave Radiation Protection Gear, Musicians that uplift and motivate, land that is up for sale in exchange for crypto or gold, where and how to buy guns and ammo, and articles on agorism, prepping, government censorship, and every other topic that relates to our being aware of tyranny and oppression and what we can do about it. This paper will certainly be burned and cursed by the most dedicated statists and villains, but will also be most definitely a divine gate for those who’ve felt ostracized by their environs and didn’t know where to look for the information and inspiration and community they needed to understand and take action.
I see 1,000,000 doors opening on December 1st, 2025 to see Liberty Uncensored hanging from their door handle waiting to be read and utilized to make this world a better place. I see cops opening it up an discovering the Constitution for the first time and reading its words and understanding what it really meant. I see bureaucrats realizing that the world is waking up and they must change their ways or be swept aside. I see communities discovering Freedom Cells, Social Clubs, Free State Projects, Secession Projects, and realizing that they could do this as well.
There is no limit to the success of this model.
1. every single bit of ad space in the paper, as it is, was filled with paying advertisers or,
2. we had 800 paid subscribers on our substack or,
3. 650 individual orders of our bronze package were ordered
we would be able to deliver an average of 17,500 papers monthly. That’s 17,500 people with the paper in their hands looking into content they would’ve otherwise never likely seen.
With a 24 page, 11x17 paper, with full ad space covered, we could deliver to hundreds of thousands of doors every single month, not to mention purchase our own printers and materials and make a never-ending printing cycle that reduces cost, expands reach, and makes it impossible for us to be shut down in any eventuality because we are OFF-GRID-AS-FUCK!
With the success of this model, it is my hope that we will see branching and mirroring by others in the world, discussing regionally specific topics. Localizing the content and utilizing the same stratagem and Integrity and Expression of Liberty, Truth and Freedom.
We need your Support. We need every single person who sees this to send us support in the form of a subscription, a donation, a sponsorship, a purchase from our store, or as a volunteer in some fashion to the paper. That could be as little as shoutouts, shares and follows on your social media when we publish something, to committing to door-to-door distributing in your neighborhood once a month. We need your help to build this content and this key to the peaceful revolution to the world. Will You Help Us?
Liberty Uncensored is Free to the World!
But it's not free to run.
Donate to our cause, advertise your business starting at only $12, or sponsor an article.
Do you have something to say about our Liberty and Freedoms, contact us to see about doing an interview for our media channels.
There is a vast amount of information sources in this world, we want to be the one to funnel people to the best of those, not to mention providing the highest quality news and information we can, and we can do that by physical delivery of papers door to door, and at businesses, and churches and anywhere people frequent. We are sliding past the algorithms by bringing our fact-based, wellness and freedom-oriented content directly to the people in the most uncensorable and easily digestible form.
We need your help to bring it to the next level!
About me:
My name is Corey Haag. I am an author (, editor, researcher, meditator, army veteran, world traveler, father, speaker and proponent of Natural Rights, Spiritual Anarchy, Science, Exploration, and Freedom of the Individual.
A Mixture of extreme life experiences has formed my worldview. One which exalts personal freedoms and the potential of the human race. I am intolerant of the onslaught of detractive qualities that are proliferating in the United States of America and globally.
I am here to say, “HELL?... NO!” I prefer Heaven on Earth.
Public speaking topics include, “Microwave Radiation Warfare”, and “Community Building.”
After a decade of research and study, I have become quite knowledgeable on EMR and Microwave Radiation and I am providing a Zine on Microwave Radiation Free to the Public and seeking Advertisers to Support its wide Distribution.
If you want to help make a larger impact through advertising in the Zine, with anywhere from a business card size to a full-page ad, which would remain in the booklet forever with a one-time cost, reach out to: (
Infinite Blessings!
Note to the Readers:
Thank you for your ongoing support of The Last American Vagabond. TLAV is a Value-For-Value experience. We want to invite you to subscribe to our Substack for as little as $5/month to join the discussion, comment on posts, join the TLAV Roundtable Discussions and feel good about supporting alternative media that you value. Upgrade to the Founding Member Level for the opportunity to have a monthly Q&A with Ryan as well. Thank you to all of you who already support TLAV in all the various ways that you do with your time, talent and treasure.