
Lipid Nanoparticles: The Toxic mRNA Delivery System

Much is still unknown about the long-term risks associated with the mRNA injections that billions of people have now received. Let's take a look at just one of the components: Lipid Nanoparticles

Article by Scott Armstrong | Rebunked News

Clip from The Daily Wrap-up with Ryan Cristián: Dr. Bhakdi Interview – Thai Princess Bajrakitiyabha & The Ongoing Cover Up Of The Deadly COVID Jabs (2/22/2023)

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Lipid Nanoparticles (LNPs) are the delivery system used in the COVID injections. LNPs encapsulate the SARS-CoV-2 encoded mRNA and protect it from the body’s natural defenses until the LNP-encapsulated mRNA can enter a cell, where it is then translated into spike protein.

Although the medical community espouses that LNP’s are completely safe, there are lots of risks and known toxicities associated with them. As with all things related to the COVID injections, we are only now learning about the long-term effects, and every day more information is revealed.

There are three types of LNPs, cationic (positively charged) anionic (negatively charged) and neutral. The ones used in the Pfizer and Moderna injections are cationic and neutral.

There are known toxicity risks associated with LNPs, and research suggests that concerns lie mostly with the cationic LNPs. These LNPs could potentially accumulate in the organs of the body and other tissues, causing this toxicity. Some of the organs affected are the liver, the spleen, the lungs and the lymphatic system, which is crucial for immune function to begin with.

This paper entitled “Lipid nanoparticles for mRNA delivery”, published in Nature, goes into more detail:

Cytotoxicity of lipid materials is also a safety concern, depending on the dose, lipid
properties and cell types. In vivo application of lipid nanoparticles has been reported to induce liver and lung injuries in rodents, which may be attributed to the cytotoxicity of the materials and the induction of pro-inflammatory factors.

This paper from 2010 (notably before the COVID Clown World Era) entitled “The systemic toxicity of positively charged lipid nanoparticles and the role of Toll-like receptor 4 in immune activation” further illustrates the point:

Here we have shown that systemic administration of positively charged lipid nanoparticles ((+)NPs) in vivo is toxic as showed by several global indicators. Administration of (+)NPs to mice induced hepatotoxicity (as evident by high levels of serum liver enzymes) as well as weight lose of 5.5% upon multiple injections. Moreover, at the cellular level, (+)NPs treatment stimulated inflammatory response by elevating both Th1 and Th17 cytokines and IRG similar to treatment with LPS.

It could be argued that LNP technology has advanced significantly since the publication of this paper, but it is valuable information nonetheless.

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Another concern involving LNPs is inflammation. When the LNPs are injected into the body, the body’s natural defenses recognize it as an intruder, something that needs to be attacked and stopped. The body’s natural response is often inflammation.

This paper entitled “Pro-inflammatory concerns with lipid nanoparticles” goes into further detail about the concerns of LNP inflammation:

… acute side effects such as pain, swelling, fever, and systemic inflammatory responses have been reported in many human subjects receiving LNP-mRNA vaccines
[from conclusion]:
Considering the pro-inflammatory nature of the currently available ionizable cationic lipids, notably their undesirable immune cascade initiated through the IL-1β [Interleukin-1 beta] release, and of other cationic lipids, the potential application of LNPs for systemic administration must be viewed cautiously.

Typical inflammatory responses include redness, swelling and pain, however, there is also a risk of “systemic inflammation” which means that the inflammation has spread to multiple organs, tissues or the entire body. This is also known as Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS), which is “a serious condition in which there is inflammation throughout the whole body”

Immune Cell Function

Concerns also exist around how LNPs negatively affect overall immune function. Which is ironic, because the injections are reportedly designed to specifically improve immune function. One of the concerns involves the release of pro-inflammatory cytokine and chemokines, which could lead to tissue damage and autoimmune reactions.

Another concern is the triggering of “complement activation”, which means that the LNP (particularly the Polyethylene Glycol, or PEG in the LNP), causes the body to go overboard when it comes to clearing out damaged cells and pathogens, resulting in inflammation. While this is a normal part of the innate immune system, it can be kicked into overdrive and can be harmful. Here is an excerpt from a paper entitled “Future considerations for the mRNA-lipid nanoparticle vaccine platform”:

A growing number of reports show that polyethylene glycol (PEG) can be immunogenic, and repeat administration of PEG can induce anaphylactoid, complement activation-related pseudoallergy (CARPA) reaction.

Complement activation-related pseudoallergy, or CARPA is a dangerous adverse reaction in which the complement immune system is activated, producing what appears to be an allergic reaction. It can be a fatal condition. From the paper “Complement activation-related pseudoallergy: A stress reaction in blood triggered by nanomedicines and biologicals”:

Intravenous injection of a variety of nanotechnology enhanced (liposomal, micellar, polymer-conjugated) and protein-based (antibodies, enzymes) drugs can lead to hypersensitivity reactions (HSRs), also known as infusion, or anaphylactoid reactions. The molecular mechanism of mild to severe allergy symptoms may differ from case to case and is mostly not known, however, in many cases a major cause, or contributing factor is activation of the complement (C) system. The clinical relevance of C activation-related HSRs, a non-IgE-mediated pseudoallergy (CARPA), lies in its unpredictability and occasional lethal outcome.

I wonder how often the “vaccinators” or doctors administering these shots ever mention the risk of CARPA to their patients prior to injection.


Polyethylene Glycol (PEG)

Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) is one of the components used in the LNP structure of the mRNA-based COVID injections. It is used to help stabilize the LNPs:

PEG coatings on nanoparticles shield the surface from aggregation, opsonization, and phagocytosis, prolonging systemic circulation time.

Again, most of the scientific literature designates PEG as completely safe, however, many people have a natural allergic reaction when exposed to it, which can cause severe adverse reactions, including fatal anaphylaxis.

The Weston A. Price Foundation does amazing work in the field of health and nutrition. They raised many concerns about the use of PEG in the LNP structures used for the COVID injections back in 2021:

In order to hide the mRNA from our im­mune system, which would ordinarily kill the foreign material once injected into our bodies, the LNPs in the two Covid vaccines are coated with a potentially dangerous substance called polyethylene glycol (PEG) using a process called “PEGylation.” PEGylated LNPs and PEG are not new to the drug market, but this is the first time they have been used in vaccines. The inclusion of PEG in both the Moderna and Pfizer injections is troubling in light of PEG’s well-documented immunogenicity. A large and growing body of scientific literature shows that PEGylated compounds often trigger the formation of anti-PEG antibodies, which in some people leads to “hypersensitivity reac­tions. . . entailing severe allergic symptoms with occasionally fatal anaphylaxis.”

A study published in 2016 by University of North Caro­lina researchers found that up to 72 percent of people may harbor anti-PEG antibodies—at levels, in about 7 percent of people, high enough to predispose them to anaphylactic reactions.

This paper (referenced in the aforementioned Weston A. Price article) titled “Anti-PEG antibodies: Properties, formation, testing and role in adverse immune reactions to PEGylated nano-biopharmaceuticals” has this to say about PEG:

The mild to severe allergy symptoms arise shortly after the first treatment, although reactions starting later, or after repeated treatments are also observed. In most cases the problem spontaneously resolves, but occasionally, the reaction can escalate into fatal anaphylaxis.

This paper (also referenced in the Weston A. Price article) entitled “Analysis of Pre-existing IgG and IgM Antibodies against Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) in the General Population” elaborate further:

Immune responses to therapeutic agents can reduce or completely eliminate their efficacy, as well as lead to undesirable side effects such as hypersensitivity and anaphylactic reactions that pose significant concerns for patient safety….

[from conclusion:]

PEG has a variety of useful applications in the pharmaceutical industry, and a number of PEGylated therapeutics have been highly successful. However, growing evidence from recent clinical trials suggests that the presence of high anti-PEG Ab levels, including pre-existing humoral responses, can abrogate the efficacy of PEG-modified drugs or result in serious adverse reactions.

It doesn’t appear that any consideration was given to those with known allergies to PEG during the mass injection campaign that was thrust upon the world. Many people, sadly, never knew that they were allergic to PEG until it was too late.

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Toxic mRNA Delivery System

As we venture further down the path of mass-adoption for mRNA based “vaccines”, it is important to have a more robust understanding of what the technology is actually comprised of. The medical community is looking to move all of their resources in the direction of mRNA based treatments; from HIV and cancer to influenza and heart disease (oh the irony).

From the conclusion of the paper discussed in the above video with Dr. Bhakdi:

In summary, the first vaccination's side effects, except for CARPA, are likely associated with robust innate inflammation induced by the LNPs. In contrast, after the second vaccination, side effects could be further exacerbated by immune responses targeting cells expressing the vaccine protein or its peptide derivatives. Whether innate memory responses (Netea et al., 2011) to LNPs also contribute to amplifying the side effects remains to be determined (Figure 4). Overall, the robust inflammatory milieu induced by LNPs, combined with presentation of the vaccine-derived peptides/protein outside of antigen-presenting cells, might cause tissue damage and exacerbate side effects. Because self-antigen presentation in an inflammatory environment has been linked to autoimmune disease development (Janeway et al., 2001), this merits further investigation.

It is really hard to find resources that speak honestly about the risks associated with Lipid Nanoparticles used in mRNA based technology. We hope that this article serves to help you look further into the topic in your own research and helps you come to your own conclusions.

Remember, question everything.

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