"New" Tick-Born Meat Allergy Arrives Just In Time For Anti-Meat Propaganda Narratives

News headlines around the world have been shouting about a new Tick-Born illness that makes people deathly allergic to red meat. But this is nothing new. Why now? Are they covering up anything?

Article by Scott Armstrong | Rebunked News | @RebunkedNews

Clip from The Daily Wrap-up with Ryan Cristián: Robert Kadlec Claims “Vaccine Research” Caused COVID, Tick Bioweapons & Vaccines To Stop Meat Eating (7/30/2023)

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The Meat-Is-Bad Psy-Op

So now the new narrative is that there is a species of tick known as the Lone Star Tick that will bite a person and cause that person to develop a potentially deadly allergic reaction to red meat.

Now, at the same time, the “climate change” crowd is claiming that one of the steps that needs to be taken to combat the weather is that people need to eat less red meat. Very interesting coincidence!

The media is doing what they do best, drumming up fear

This article by the Washington Post does a hilarious job of viciously tearing down anyone who expresses concerns that the establishment is trying to reduce the world’s meat consumption, followed immediately by a dissertation on why meat should be reduced.

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The Guardian chips in with a headline such as “Should meat be banned to save the planet?just to really stir things up.

The timing of this tick narrative is very interesting. The media is claiming that his is a new phenomenon, but it is clear that this story goes back several year. Here is a story about it from 2014.

So what else is going on? These futurists and genetic “bioethicists” (like Matthew Lao, in the video above) claim that it is best for the environment if humans curb or eliminate meat from their diets. You know, because of climate change. This unhinged Medium article makes the case for meat to be illegal.


As Ryan has covered many times on the show before, if the consensus from these groups is that humans should no longer eat meat, that it is for the greater good, and that they need to roll this out to humanity because “they” know what’s best… it should be done covertly, without our knowledge or consent. This paper should be bookmarked and shared with everyone you know who calls you a conspiracy theorist for entertaining these ideas:

One of the most daunting papers out there. Make sure you bookmark this one and share with everyone

From the text of this paper:

Some theorists argue that moral bioenhancement ought to be compulsory. I take this argument one step further, arguing that if moral bioenhancement ought to be compulsory, then its administration ought to be covert rather than overt. This is to say that it is morally preferable for compulsory moral bioenhancement to be administered without the recipients knowing that they are receiving the enhancement. My argument for this is that if moral bioenhancement ought to be compulsory, then its administration is a matter of public health, and for this reason should be governed by public health ethics. I argue that the covert administration of a compulsory moral bioenhancement program better conforms to public health ethics than does an overt compulsory program. In particular, a covert compulsory program promotes values such as liberty, utility, equality, and autonomy better than an overt program does. Thus, a covert compulsory moral bioenhancement program is morally preferable to an overt moral bioenhancement program.

So with all of this, it is fair to at least entertain the idea that there is some sort of orchestrated effort to introduce an ailment among the human population that allows them to carry out their agenda, without us even knowing it.


Alpha Gal

The mechanism by which these tick bites cause this strange allergy to develop is called Alpha Gal Syndrome (AGS), which makes the body allergic to an enzyme called “Alpha Gal” or sometimes noted as “α-Gal” (with the “Alpha” symbol). According to The Cleveland Clinic:

The saliva of some ticks contains a sugar molecule called alpha-gal (α-Gal). When alpha-gal enters the bloodstream, it can increase your sensitivity to red meat. This can trigger an immune system response. Your body reacts as if red meat is harmful, causing allergic symptoms. People with AGS may also react to other products containing alpha-gal, including medications and personal care products.

Courtesy of Allergy Insider

Credit to the No Agenda Show Episode #1577 for this analysis: In a study entitled “The antibody response to the glycan α‐Gal correlates with COVID‐19 disease symptoms",” scientists claim that using “probiotics,” or even vaccines, to generate an anti-α-Gal immune response would help stop the infection of “COVID-19.” From the study:

Furthermore, as recently proposed, the production of coronavirus or virus‐like particles (VLPs) in non‐catarrhine mammalian cells may be used to produce vaccines with α‐Gal‐containing antigens to induce anti‐α‐Gal protective response and increase vaccine efficacy for the control of COVID‐19.

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So was there some sort of mechanism like this built into the COVID shots? Are they now rolling out this tick-born meat story to cover their tracks?

No matter what the case is, this new tick-born illness is nothing new, and it is very peculiar that they seem to be rolling it out at such a time as this, overlapping with so many other agendas taking place. Remember, question everything!


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