
Predators Use Trans Identity To Get Closer To Victims

Ryan covers a series of cases where people are using the cloak of a trans identity to get closer to victims and take advantage of the system.

Article by Scott Armstrong | Rebunked News | @RebunkedNews

Clip from The Daily Wrap-up with Ryan Cristián: The Gender Dysphoria Contradiction & Are Sexual Predators Using The Trans Movement? (7/18/2023)

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In the clip above, Ryan highlights some cases where it is very apparent that certain predators are using the liability shield that has been granted to people who identify as transgender in order to get access to their chosen victim group. These are documented cases of people hiding being the “trans” identity in order to gain access to spaces where they normally wouldn’t be allowed, or create an environment that allows them to be in proximity to children where they otherwise wouldn’t be able to.

Additionally, it demonstrates the complete breakdown of the criminal justice system, prioritizing someone’s “feelings” about how they identify over the safety of other inmates.

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It’s hard to wrap one’s mind around the case where an adult child-predator would be placed in an environment with other juveniles, who are more than likely already extremely traumatized and vulnerable.

According to the LA Times, a 26 year old man who identified as a woman named Hannah Tubbs, was convicted of sexually assaulting a 10 year-old when he was 17. LA District Attorney George Gascón chose to try the individual in a juvenile court and after sentencing, Tubbs was sent to a juvenile corrections facility.

The justification for this was as follows:

Gascón previously told The Times that the victim, who has moved away from California and remains in therapy, did not want to testify at a trial. He also expressed concern that as a transgender woman, Tubbs could be victimized in a jail for adults. In a youth facility, he said, she could receive treatment and therapy.


Now it seems that Tubbs will be kept in isolation, but nevertheless, the opportunity for an incident is not out of the realm of possibility, and it is a travesty that this situation is even up for debate. The safety of the children in that facility is not being taken into consideration. The feelings of the violent sexual offender is being prioritized over everything, including common sense, for political reasons.

To add credence to the concern about assaults happening in a controlled environment this story our of Rikers Island shows a man who identifies as transgender, was placed in a women’s facility, only to end up raping one of the female inmates in the shower. Of course, I’m sure there were measures in place to prevent situations like this from happening, so there’s no doubt that other similar situations might avail themselves in the juvenile facility mentioned above.

We hear a lot of complaints about “drag queen storytime,” but here is a case where a convicted sex offender was offering dance classes to minors, placing them in provocative outfits, photographing them and posting them publicly. Previous convictions for sexual assault of a minor only warranted a 3-year sentence for the predator.

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According to The Telegraph UK, “evidence unearthed by the prisoners’ newspaper Inside Time found inmates were pretending to change gender to access the female estate.” It seems that males have found a loophole in the system where they can simply change their identity to being “female” in order to gain access to women’s facilities with the hopes of having an easier time in prison, not to mention all of the perks and benefits that they end up receiving. It is clear that a number of male inmates are simply working the system.

The insanity of all of this reaching a point where people are going to be forced to take a look. As a society, we cannot continue to just bury our heads in the sand around people exploiting the transgender movement to commit violent, sexual crimes against women and children.

While we always acknowledge that gender dysphoria is a real phenomenon, and adults should be able to do whatever they want with their own bodies and live however they wish, this bastardization of a political movement to incite violence is a bridge too far.

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