TLAV Weekly Wrap-Up | June 23, 2023
Here is a summary of all of the amazing work from the last week (or so) brought to you by The Last American Vagabond. Make sure you share it far and wide!
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The Daily Wrap-Up with Ryan Cristián | @TLAVagabond
EDC’s Are Not Conspiracy Theory, Hotez Meltdown, Lab-Grown Meat, Your Dark AI-Modulated Future (6/21/2023)
Emails Reveal Cover Up Of Fluoride Toxicity & The COVID-19 Vaccine Narrative Has Utterly Collapsed (6/18/2023)
“Trans Movement” Makes Thoughtcrime Reality & Ushers In New Flavor Of Authoritarian Control (6/17/2023)
TLAV Interviews
Dr. Shiva Interview – 2024: Running For President In A Broken System (6/22/2023)
Derrick Broze | The Conscious Resistance | @DBrozeLiveFree
The FBI’s Entrapment Of Americans Continues With Latest Arrest Of 18-Year Old With Developmental Issues (6/18/2023)
Robert Inlakesh | Robert’s Substack | @falasteen47
Israeli Settlers Beg For Palestinian Blood After String Of West Bank Attacks (6/21/2023)
Scott Armstrong | | @RebunkedNews
Rebunked #117 | Freedom Under Natural Law | Chris Jantzen & Will Keller
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It's becoming exasperating hearing Ryan talk about climate change, and ignorantly so.
"I know we're hurting the planet, but... "
No. Explain it. Explain what you mean exactly.
Explain your knowledge of the issue.
Because, if Ryan doesn't fundamentally understand carbon pollution, and the damage that is has been doing for decades to ecological systems, etc... then he's no better than a Flat Earther who ignorantly argues that the earth might be a little curved, but mostly flat ("I realize that the earth is a little bit curved... but it's not round like (big industry) 'experts' would have you believe.").
Does Ryan not know that scientists have been worried about carbon pollution and the Greenhouse Effect for over 100 years?
Is Ryan not aware that top-tier Big Oil scientists have been talking about carbon pollution and global warming for 50 years?
Just like with Long COVID, Ryan seems to look for a couple pieces of evidence (a couple studies) that support his thesis, and he just runs with it more and more until he's convinced himself of the likely truth of his thesis ("Dr. Malone didn't develop Long COVID from a bad COVID infection... it's all in his mind (because only the shots, i.e. big doses of spike) can confer Long COVID)").
It's obvious that Ryan has not done a deep dive into the actual science of carbon pollution and global warming/climate change, because if he had he would realize what it actually is about...
The earth will be fine, but human civilization as it exists today may not.
It will take decades for the worst of it to hit... but because CO2 lingers in the atmosphere for around 20 years even if we stopped all carbon pollution today the carbon already in the atmosphere will continue to have a warming effect.
And THAT is why so many people are using scare tactics and language... because stupid people cannot be convinced of things until it's at their door - but with climate change it will have been long past too late.
Climate change isn't a planet-killer... it's a human civilization-killer.
And it's basic concepts like that that dummies do not grasp, or have an awareness of.
It's why dummies can flippantly associate climate change with other government agendas and dismiss it... as if it's on the same scale and order of severity as say the shots.
The Orwellian future that the shot passports portend is not nearly as bad as the Mad Max future that the breakdown of Western civilization portends.
We should certainly fight against the Orwellian future... but we should also fight against the Mad Max future as well.
Anyone that posts articles about glaciers gaining ice might as well be saying that the shots are safe because of side effects like mild fevers...
*You need to look at the totality of evidence!
I think Ryan should do an entire show on the actual science of climate change... and then do a show on the science that argues against climate change - and then try and figure out which side of the argument has made the most money for big industry in the last 100 years...
It's kinda weird that Big Pharma funding junk science involving shots and things is viewed as highly suspicious and untrustworthy... but when Big Oil funds junk science related to climate change - it's totally trustworthy!
"We always need to research the funders of Pharma science that says the shots are safe... but when it comes to the funders of the science that says that we don't need to worry so much about carbon pollution and climate change, well, no research needed!"
Obviously, in this era of control and censorship governments are going to use whatever justifications they can to carry out the control... but once people start doubting the science of climate change then they really are spreading misinformation, and it's really, really disappointing.