Vapor From Spilled COVID Vaccine Vial Causes Eye Damage (Ocular Erosion)

The Chinese version of the COVID-19 vaccine known as CoronaVac has been linked to several cases of "ocular erosion" after a vial was spilled, exposing hospital staff.

Article by Scott Armstrong

Video clip from The Daily Wrap-Up with Ryan Cristián: Ukraine Tests Chemical Weapon On Russians & Broken COVID Jab Vial Causes Ocular Erosion/Rashes (2/8/2023)

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As if you needed any more reason to stay as far away from anything referred to as a COVID-19 vaccine as possible, we get this piece of information. In a paper published all the way back in 2021, we find out that an incident took place in Thailand where a nurse dropped a vial of COVID-19 vaccine that shattered in a small, enclosed environment. Several hospital workers were exposed to the vapors of the vaccine itself, resulting in several injuries.

Now, it is important to clarify some things right away. First of all, this was the CoronaVac Vaccine, made by Sinovac Biotech out of Beijing, China. It is not associated with BioNTech, a partner of Pfizer. Also, CoronaVac is an “inactivated virus” vaccine, similar to traditional vaccines, and not the new mRNA technology.

A paper published in 2021 entitled Ocular Surface Erosion after Suspected Exposure to Evaporated COVID-19 Vaccine (or read it on PubMed) discusses the incident and the after effects:

…a vial, containing a single dose of 0.5 mL, of the vaccine was dropped accidentally onto the floor and broken by an administering nurse. A total of 15 personnel had symptoms and signs of ocular surface erosion at the average time from the accident to the onset of 10.2 ± 7.1 h; 4 personnel also had skin rash.

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Ocular Erosion

Ocular erosion sounds scary, but what is it exactly? Ocular erosion, aka corneal erosion is:

… when the layer of cells on the surface of the cornea, called epithelium, loosens from the layer underneath. This is painful and makes your vision blurry or hazy.

-American Academy of Ophthalmology

The website All About Vision describes it further:

Corneal erosion occurs when the epithelium, the outer layer of the cornea’s five layers, does not adhere properly to its underlying layers. As a result it can shear off. 

Luckily, it sounds like all of the cases reported in this incident in Thailand seemed to resolve within 72 hours of exposure.

Excipients In CoronaVac

The paper discussing the Thailand incident then goes on to describe in more detail what the CoronaVac vaccine is actually comprised of:

CoronaVac… is a vaccine made of beta-propiolactone inactivated SARS-CoV-2 virus particles with an aluminum hydroxide adjuvant

We then learn that it is this adjuvant itself that is thought to be the cause of the ocular erosion and skin rashes.

The excipients or aluminum hydroxide adjuvant may be the likely chemicals that associated with the adverse reactions.

Apparently these chemicals, compounds or additives in the fluid are so toxic that it literally wrecks the surface of a person’s eye, yet we are perfectly fine with having it injected directly into our bloodstream, bypassing the blood-brain barrier?

What other excipients could be out there of concern?


CDC’s Excipients List

This is a great opportunity to share a fantastic piece of information that you should share with those who may be just waking up to the dangers of vaccines in general. On the CDC website, there is a paper discussing vaccine excipients. It is a fascinating read. A vaccine excipient is anything added to a vaccine besides weakened or killed disease antigens. Here is some information directly from that CDC paper:

In addition to weakened or killed disease antigens (such as weakened, killed, or parts of viruses or bacteria), vaccines contain very small amounts of other ingredients – excipients. Some excipients are added to a vaccine for a specific purpose. These include:

Preservatives, to prevent contamination. For example, thimerosal.

Adjuvants, to help stimulate a stronger immune response. For example, aluminum salts.

Stabilizers, to keep the vaccine potent during transportation and storage. For example, sugars or gelatin.

Others are residual trace amounts of materials that were used during the manufacturing process and removed.

Interesting. Thimerosal you say? What is that?

Thimerosal is a mercury-based preservative that has been used for decades in the United States in multi-dose vials (vials containing more than one dose) of medicines and vaccines. There is no evidence of harm caused by the low doses of thimerosal in vaccines, except for minor reactions like redness and swelling at the injection site. However, in July 1999, the Public Health Service agencies, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and vaccine manufacturers agreed that thimerosal should be reduced or eliminated in vaccines as a precautionary measure.

Wow thats wild! I wonder what other excipients might be found in other vaccines. Here is a screenshot from the list:

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Well now that is a bit shocking. Formaldehyde? No way. Let’s take a closer look at some of these:

If you happen to find yourself in a situation where you need to travel to the Far East, just make sure you avoid any enclosed areas where someone might accidentally drop a vial of CoronaVac near you. And although this is not medical advice, for the love of everything, don’t let anyone inject any of it into your bloodstream!

Also, while you’re at it, take some time and learn more about vaccine excipients in general (and adjuvants in particular) to learn more about what it is that the medical establishment insists on injecting into perfectly healthy humans starting on their first day on earth, and why.

Stay vigilant and question everything.

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