Wall Street Journal: Youth Gender Transition Is Pushed Without Evidence

An article published by the Wall Street Journal has issued a very bold statement asserting that the push to offer "gender-affirming care" is not backed by science

Article by Scott Armstrong | Rebunked News | @RebunkedNews

Clip from The Daily Wrap-up with Ryan Cristián: WSJ Confirms “Youth Gender Transition Is Pushed Without Evidence” & Was COVID Ethnically Targeted? (7/15/2023)

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In the climate that exists today, one can expect overwhelming backlash for just stepping a toe across the line to question the dogma around transgender ideology. Surprisingly, a mainstream publication like the Wall Street Journal recently leapt across that line in an article entitled Youth Gender Transition Is Pushed Without Evidence.

Now, nothing they say in this article should be controversial. The author is simply pointing out that there is a veritable lack of evidence around the extreme measures being offered to children that lead to disfigurement, sterilization and a complete hijacking of their hormonal physiology. In many cases, these people go on to regret the decision.

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From the article:

Every systematic review of evidence to date, including one published in the Journal of the Endocrine Society, has found the evidence for mental-health benefits of hormonal interventions for minors to be of low or very low certainty. By contrast, the risks are significant and include sterility, lifelong dependence on medication and the anguish of regret.

The sad part is that each side thinks they are doing what’s best for children, yet not all of the information is available or is deemed unacceptable for those who advocate “gender-affirming care” for youths


One of the main justifications for the idea of transitioning children is that it will help them actualize as human beings. In a state of gender dysphoria, children (or people in general) do not feel like they belong in the body that they occupy. Instead of helping them cope, a solution is offered in the form of serious medication and surgery. The argument is that not providing these pharmaceutical and surgical interventions will lead to people deciding to end their own lives. Or so it is claimed.

Again, from the article:

Dr. Hammes’s claim that gender transition reduces suicides is contradicted by every systematic review, including the review published by the Endocrine Society, which states, “We could not draw any conclusions about death by suicide.” There is no reliable evidence to suggest that hormonal transition is an effective suicide-prevention measure.

Other countries around the world are taking a much more pragmatic approach to the topic of gender dysphoria among the youth. Recently, Russia has begun passing a law to make “gender-affirming surgery and health care” illegal. The bill has passed the State Duma, or house of parliament, which will then get sent to be voted on by the Senate and then possibly signed into law by Vladimir Putin.

According to OpenDemocracy, the transphobia is creating a danger for Trans Russians

The Wall Street Journal article is authored and signed by doctors from all over the world, from the US, France, Belgium, Norway and many more. It almost feels like we are in our own little echo chamber here in the United States, fearing repercussions for speaking out on such a critical topic, while the rest of the world watches aghast.

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What never gets discussed in the mainstream discussion is all of the people who have regrets after transitioning. These people, also known as “de-transitioners,” are numerous, but their voices are shouted down.

Luckily, almost all of the replies to this tweet are supportive in nature

And yet, the agenda rolls on. At the very least, this should be up for debate. But it seems like there is a lot more to the story that simply what is best for confused youths. It has become a political and social machination that has been weaponized to divide society. And sadly, the most innocent among us are caught in the crossfire.


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