It seems like the establishment media is once again doing what they do best: reaching into their bag of propaganda and throwing out rhetoric to denigrate those who choose not fall in line with the agenda. Like a bad case of deja vu, the media is back to drumming up fear that the “unvaccinated” are a threat to those who took the shots. It is very clear, to anyone paying attention, that the “unvaccinated” are not a risk to anyone when it comes to disease transmission. Didn’t we lay this argument to rest?
In this clip, we take a trip down memory lane and go back to the old arguments we were making a year and half ago to dispel this type of dangerous misinformation being espoused by dishonest media outlets like The Los Angeles Times.
We know that these mRNA injections do not stop the transmission of COVID-19. These shots were never designed to stop transmission They weren’t even tested for it. If that’s the case, how is it logical that an unvaccinated person is more likely to transmit the disease than someone who has received all of the shots and boosters?
This article also perpetuates the idea that there is a new class of people that are now considered a threat to the obedient, the “undervaccinated”. The problem with them bringing back these old, tired arguments is that we have already done the work and have amassed a body of evidence to counter these claims. They can try all they want to label the “unvaccinated” as a threat, but their lies will not stand.
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Original TLAV Episode:
LA Times “Are the unvaccinated still a danger to the rest of us?”
(Archive Link to the article, so they don’t get clicks: )
Original Article (If you must):
Piers Morgan Tweet
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