Shameful, criminal the first responders have no protective gear because hazmat suits will cause public panic & that's reserved for power playing. Yesterday's Highwire had two toxic remediation & emergency response pros w long list of info for folks in effected areas & good for everyone to learn.


Planet Waves <3 also a goldmine for all manner of toxic resources w series for East Palestine!


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My father ran the agent orange network (moving it between facilities via rail) on Southern Railroad (where my grandfather was the attorney) while cooping between the Army and studying chemical engineering at Auburn. Dioxin is the active ingredient in agent orange. This was his rail network (Southern RR was absorbed by Norfolk). That was during the late 60s. Authorities would have fully understood this situation back then, and acted appropriately and immediately. They also would not have let the railways go to crap. Now this gets turns into an ecological disaster.


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This is early release of audio from my interview today with Dr. Sam Bailey, covering the basics of the dioxin issue — and a special request for contact with people in/near East Palestine, OH.


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