I am very disappointed! Your article is very Pro- Hamas. So how about writing with both views and let us decide what is the TRUTH, no. This is not getting to the TRUTH. How did the conflict even start. Not a question, I know how.

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I strongly disagree. But you have a right to your opinion. I hope, since you subscribe to both Corbett and TLAV, both of which have the same stance on this, that you will stand back and at least consider that you may be being misled. If you are watching our shows, I break this down near every day at this point. This article is exactly getting to the truth, you just disagree with what the facts show, I argue due to very easily identifiable propaganda. And "writing both views" is not journalism, that's MSM. We seek the truth, backed up by facts. And this is what the facts show. We have, however, repeaedtly, in depth, broken down the views of Israel, as you are asking. And repeatedly proven that they are willfully misleading people, quite easily in fact. So to add their dishonest view every time we cover a very easily verifiable story, is simply manipulative and only in the service of pushing easily identifiable lies. Of course I could be wrong overall, but if you are implying something as provably incorrect as "hamas started this war" then sadly you are very mis/uninformed. But lucky for you, I break this stuff down near every day.

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