What’s funny is that Yarvin’s ideas can be debunked quite easily.

He said “Democracy has failed” but he always avoids the nuances of, say, who controls the media apparatus that keeps a “democratic” population misinformed and mislead.

Does he think the media machine work better under a Monarchy??? Lol

Yarvin is the son of a career State Department family, too. He has no interest in people being informed or educated, he has the same misanthropic view of man as the current rotation of elites, whether Malthusians, Luciferians, Transhumanist technocrats or other.

What they differ on are details, matters of management style.

The real battle is concerning the image of man. Conversations about political systems, management styles and governance philosophies are consequences of this deeper question.

Great piece by Derrick!

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He's an "unqualified" hack that stumbled across some outlier political ideas and decided to redress them up as his own. His regurgitated neo-feudalistic crap of course appeals to the tech bros crew (and I used to work with that kind of crew), who are essentially egocentric, frustrated, silo thinkers, that specialised themselves into an industry, so they can fit in somewhere. They created their environment instead of adapting to environment.😐🤔🙄

He became their philosophical guru, because he couldn't cut it in their environment, and they have scrambled their brains with crappy light signals.

#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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your description of techno nerds seem right on. But in some ways it describes me too; a person who believes in the time it takes to research and write a book and providing all the details in an extensive notes detailing his/her sources. Damn, people do not understand that difference. Been dumbed down. Gotta dumb them back up. People are not stupid. They are made to feel stupid and they need to unfeel "stupid."

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👏👏👏👏 oh I love that, "...gotta dumb them back up".😉💯🎯

We (people are not stupid), these days we become stupid through poor light, poor tech, poor information.

How it differs between you and the tech bros (remember I used to figuratively be one😉) is that what your doing is exploring, discovering, considering, curating, refining, and (🤞eventually), releasing.

What the tech bros in power (not talking about codojo dude/dudette down the block) are doing is, "1, 2, miss a few, 100!". They are exploring, discovering, skipping the considering bit, fast tracking the curating, wiping the refining bit, and skipping straight to releasing- AND doing it all within their little coolio crew club- so they even skip the evolutionary culling process for stupid ideas- open source!😉 They are telling you this in their "move fast and break things" mantra. It's a freaking quasi-rule in silli-con-valley. I used to live by it too.😐🙄

I get it, takes guts, pure cahuna's to put your stuff out there and let the many minds (refined or no) have at it.

Difference is, your writing a book (I assume) that may impact future mentally, emotionally, through the zeitgeist. They are screwing with current politics and rewiring humanity's codes, ethics, but most detrimentally- £@#%ing with our light systems.😐🙄🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️, so the irreversible impacts are incalculable.

Once you go tech-totalitarianism, it will take decades, possibly century, to revolt back to non-feudalism and socially, we really only just (like last second) publically left slavery (anyone remember apartheid?).😐

It can look "prettier" cloaked in techno garb, same as the current debt system is still slavery, just wrapped in mortgages and AfterPay, instead of rags and food rations.

But slavery in service to tech bros or overlords, or monarchy, or institutions, is still slavery in my book😉

Ps I hope I get to read your book someday- writers are our time and space keepers.

#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Sent you reply to your question on sleep medicine.

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Just posted a new substack post. Only place I post since have been permanently banned from X because I did too much research. And elsewhere, I just don’t care. My theory is drop a pebble in a pond and its impact will eventually reach a shore that might embrace it.

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People aren’t “stupid”. Most are ignorant. There’s a difference. And they’re too lazy to remove their ignorance.

How many times do you see someone post a question on an Internet forum that could be answered with a simple internet search? I see it frequently. I see people guessing while holding a smart phone.

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Elon Musk is a WEF Young Global Leader. He has parroted the same things as Klaus Schwab. Musk believes in carbon credits, carbon markets, and carbon taxes to protect the environment. Musk has promoted a UBI (Universal Basic Income). Musk is not on the opposite side of the WEF. They want the same things.

Most of Musk’s recent spouts are dictatorial in nature - no one should counter Trump or his cabinet, which totally ignores the separation of powers doctrine the country was founded on.

This all makes total sense after reading your article.

I am not impressed by JD. Vance in the least. Nothing he does is original. He even stole - “The Supreme Court has made its decision, now let them enforce it.” - Andrew Jackson. Case is a staple of discussions in law school.

My grandfather always said that he thought the best form of government is a benevolent dictator. All these technocrats have been feeding off the government teat for some time. They are all out for themselves.

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Whitney Webb talks a lot about Peter Thiel’s role in the second Trump administration.

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Yes she absolutely does. That is why Derrick and Whitney are both part of The Last American Vagabond, and why all three of us founded the Independent Media Alliance.

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🙈 Duh! Didn’t know you worked with her! I love listening to her speak! Thank you! 🙏💜✨🤗

Who are you? I thought you were @Derrick Broze? Thank you!

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TLAV was founded by Ryan Cristian. He runs the account. I am one of the writers. Whitney is a contributor as well.

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Ok! Thank you! I’m so happy I ran into your publication today! I’m a happy Subscriber! 😍

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Love, but when copied Independent Media Alliance, got Chicago which is kinda funny relating to Chicago, Fred Hampton, Organizing Masses, and RAP as a new to me musical development. I will find you.

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Peter Thiel was a big donor and supporter of Trump in his first term. Thiel spent over $10 million (have read $15 million) to get JD Vance elected to the Senate. I think Thiel was primarily responsible for Vance to be VP after all of the stupid things he said. It’s one thing to disagree with someone. It’s another to come across like a member of The View and spout your opinions like a fool.

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Imagine Team Kamala? All politicians have a puppet master pulling their strings.

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Trust no politician despite the promises they make and what they say.

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Has anyone ever considered the basic rules of humanity? Like in "Do unto others," You don't have to be a bible thumber to realize that life on this planet would function more smoothly if we worked together instead of against each other. If you were shipwrecked and 100 people made it to an island, would they have a better chance of survival if everyone chipped in? If 90% said we would not do anything but wanted to share in others' accomplishments, things would not work out so well. I can hear those saying: That will never work! Why? Has it been tried and failed? It wouldn't work now only because the big guys have control over all of our needs. The use of money is a significant factor in this control. Remember Kissenger: Who controls the money controls the world.


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These "philosophers" never include an accurate picture of mankind in their thought models. Yes "do unto others" is a global rule, realized over and over again by thinkers and by mere individuals going through the process called "growing up". Their evaluations are rooted in oversimplifications based on poorly understood idealizations and abstractions. If they would realize that there is no ruleset that can be put in place and blindly allowed to operate automatically, they would stop devaluing human endeavor when it doesn't work that way. They get stuck in econ 101 approximations of human behavior and never realize that the probkems with that type of model go a lot deeper than "the model should be different". No, the model approach just doesn't work; expecting that type of clean low effort perfection is a fool's game. As with all would-be perfecters of humanity.

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I refer you to a young man murdered way before his potential came fully into power. These elites talk about the Masses of Humanity being unable to organize while the fuckers murder those WHO ARE ABLE TO ORGANIZE THE MASSES. Fred Hampton, to me, the first rapper ever on politics. Killed by Chicago Mafia police. See who they target to kill and find some truth in the death of those who die young.

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Yes that's a very good point. The "community organizers" who are allowed to put that on their resume are probably not what they seem.

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Obama was a lie and a great pretender. Fred Hampton was so real they needed to kill him. If they don't try to kill you, then you are part of those whose ideas "they" don't want dead. However, the sleek, slippery, bast terds are always changing the game. Once U know that, perhaps then you can see the shape shifting happening.

Seek this young man's 24 year history. Do not allow history to be erased. His name is Fred Hampton and he was so damn dangerous at 24 years old, "they" murdered him. We have others in our history of the USA rarely told and certainly not taught in our public schools. Every child should know this history:


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Yes, we're basically under new management.

Hopefully they won't be as ruthless as the past oligarchs.

I think they are seeing the point that COVID didn't work and now they gotta bring back health. It'll be easier to govern healthy people in this day and age once they jettison the vaccine scam.


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Peter Thiel is a Globalist!!

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USAID is one thing, there are whole nother things just as insidious if not even worse!


Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!

AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!

The terrible senators, horrifying Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.

To seriously address health, CONFRONT THE JABS AND THE CONTAGION MYTH!

Proudly ANTI-VAXX! Reiterating for the sake of newbies and to support this post.

Ban all vaccine jabs! There has never been a 'safe and effective' vaccine since Edward Jenner's fraud over 200 years ago as per 'Dissolving Illusions' by Suzanne Humphries and 'Turtles All the Way Down' by Anonymous. Health can never come from a needle or pills, but from healthy eating, healthy exercise and healthy living! virustruth.net

JAB INJURIES: GROSS CALAMARI BLOOD CLOTS/AUTISM TSUNAMI/SADS/TURBO CANCER/BIZARRE TERMINAL ILLNESSES: More tragic victims of the ruling parasite genocidal enslavement agenda, sacrificed on the altar of psychopathic greed and hatred of humanity.

If only every country exited the WHO/UN/WEF!




Hell with the hypochondria germaphobia fear hysteria monkeyshines driving us all ape! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT BEFORE WE ALL GO BANANAS!

SERIOUSLY FOLKS! KEEP FIGHTING! Can't say this often enough! The WHO/UN/WEF are totally criminal entities that must be litigated and dismantled off the face of the earth and its upper level employees tried and jailed. Nothing THE WORLD HELL ORGANIZATION does has any legitimacy.

EQUITY is Orwellian doublespeak for equal ENSLAVEMENT of us proles under the technocratic parasitical malevolent rule by control freak, power-mad psychos. The word EQUITY makes my blood boil whenever I hear it now that I understand its true meaning.

A vast majority of so-called leaders and Public 'Serpents' around the world have been bribed, blackmailed/coerced into serving the interests of their technocratic New World Ordure parasite masters and not We the People.

The world needs a lot more rejections of the UN/WHO's nefarious schemes.

Peddling pure poison! Folks have to wake up to reality: health comes from organic diet, daily exercise and clean living and never from a needle or a pill except in dire, rare traumatic injuries.

Can't say this often enough!

It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back! And toxic injections were/are a huge part of their arsenal!

KEEP FIGHTING! All the perps who pushed this greatest crime against humanity, all the way down to the local level, must get their comeuppances!


The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!

Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!



Bless and thank you for doing what you do.

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“The United States has already imposed sanctions on one-third of all countries on Earth, including 60% of poor nations.)”.

You will learn the above in spades if you read a journalist with integrity, (yes, there are some and they are independents, but beware and check out their history), Matt Kennard’s book, The Racket, which begins with how Haiti was treated. Americans need to abandoned their myths about this country and see reality, which if you were taught to read or listen, you would know by now. Austerity is coming for all but guess who? The elite, rich sickos running the country, an AIPAC babysitter in all offices of every politician except Massie of Kentucky. I beg, write, pled, that the truly beautiful Americans become more aware. Though I never will let go reading or writing, clarifying the reality of the world in one short hour video clip is like telling the whole story in a one minute video. But video, I am seeing, is the medium most understood, though I’m NOT sure it “sticks” like a phrase in a good book like “Play the man Master Ridley that this day you ignite such a candles as shall never be put out.” Fiction book:Fahrenheit 451; had actual history as well mixed in the fiction.

“Give me absolute control

Over every livening soul. . .

Give me back the Berlin Wall

Give me Stalin and St. Paul

I’ve seen the future, brother

it is murder

Leonard Cohen, “The Future”, 1992.

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See a website called The Forgotten Side of Medicine by a MidWestern Doctor who was actually hit up to be part of new admin. but declined. Now, that is a person you can truat!

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Been a subscriber to that excellent substack for a long time!

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Patrick Wood is also reporting on this same guy. https://patrickwood.substack.com/p/is-the-great-reset-happening-right

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Is there a new Anti-Government Anarchism movement taking over the alternative news media?

It seems like this Anarchism movement only criticizes all forms of government, government institutions, and government participants.

They never advocate and champion the greatest form of government ever conceived, the U.S. Constitutional Federal Republic.

From Whitney Webb post on X on 11/24/24:

“It's not blackpilled or means i'm on someone's payroll to say that i don't trust the national political class in the US to make Americans lives better or protect them during a crisis.

I trust regular Americans to come together during a crisis to help each other out, which invariably happens. I trust regular people to build parallel systems in their communities when shtf.

The government just executes wealth transfers and wants you dependent, desperate and surveilled bc it benefits the oligarch class they serve. Regular Americans don't do this and I'm very hopeful many will figure it out and weather the storm successfully. Self reliance and community matter more than the political circus and the sooner people figure that out, the better.“

Have you heard of the new Independent Media Alliance (IMA)?

From: Iain Davis, IMA member


The IMA was the idea of Whitney Webb (Unlimited Hangout), Ryan Cristián (The Last American Vagabond) and Derrick Broze (The Conscious Resistance Network). The IMA is a collaborative effort focused on promoting objective, fact-based media from a diverse team of journalists, podcasters, and writers.

The current roster <of journalists> includes:

Hakeem Anwar, Above Phone / Take Back Our Tech

Catherine Austin-Fitts, Solari Report

Jason Bassler, The Free Thought Project

Jason Bermas, The Jason Bermas Show

Catte Black, Off-Guardian

James Corbett, The Corbett Report

Richard Grove, Grand Theft World Podcast

Kit Knightly, Off-Guardian

Hrvoje Morić, Geopolitics and Empire

Steve Poikonen, Slow News Day / AM Wake Up

Charlie Robinson, Macroaggressions Podcast

Carey Wedler, read about Carey here

Also from Iain Davis:

The Parasite Class


Whitney Webb’s “Unlimited Hangout” website is now the “Unhinged Hysteria” website, and by that I mean intentionally writing hit pieces with the motive of trying to deceptively manipulate a reader into believing what the author wants the reader to believe, because the writer has a political agenda of their own, and the hit piece is designed to confuse the reader into thinking that the writer’s agenda is preferable to the agenda of the hit piece target.

To clarify, “Unhinged Hysteria” used to write hit pieces on the Globalists, but now they are writing hit pieces on the Nationalists because “Unhinged Hysteria” want their readers to adopt a society that is based upon the total anti-government Anarchism of Spoonerism and the anti-technological innovation of Neo-Luddism.

I wonder if “Unhinged Hysteria” realizes that the type of social order that they seek actually aligns perfectly with the type of social order that the British Imperialist Fascist Oligarchy seek, and maybe that is why the British authorities have not censored or incarcerated UK Spoonerist authors like Iain Davis???

The British Imperialist Fascist Oligarchy seek a return to Feudalism with a One World Global Empire where there are open borders and no independent sovereign nation-states, where the people cluster in small agrarian villages, and where there is no industrialization fueled by technological innovation, which aligns perfectly with the type of society sought by the writers of “Unhinged Hysteria.”


Spooner was an anti-capitalist individualist.[20] This association is wrapped in the definition of capitalism, whether viewed as a system of managerial domination and exploitation, or a simpler definition of free market with private property, since Spooner supported the latter.[20] According to Peter Marshall, "the egalitarian implications of traditional individualist anarchists" such as Spooner and Benjamin Tucker have been overlooked.[21]

As an individualist anarchist, Spooner advocated for pre-industrial living in communities of small property holders so that they could pursue life, liberty, happiness and property in mutual honesty without ceding responsibility to a central government.[1] In addition to his extra-governmental post service and views on abolitionism, Spooner wrote No Treason in which he contends that the Constitution is based on voluntary consent and that citizens are not bound by involuntary allegiance.[22] Spooner argued that the national Congress should dissolve and let citizens rule themselves as he held that individuals should make their own fates.[23]



Neo-Luddism or new Luddism is a philosophy opposing many forms of modern technology.[1] The term Luddite is generally used as a pejorative applied to people showing technophobic leanings.[2] The name is based on the historical legacy of the English Luddites, who were active between 1811 and 1817.[1] While the original Luddites were mostly concerned with the economic implications of improving technology in regard to industrialization, neo-Luddites tend to have a broader and more holistic distrust of technological improvement.

Neo-Luddism is a leaderless movement of non-affiliated groups who resist modern technologies and dictate a return of some or all technologies to a more primitive level.[3] Neo-Luddites are characterized by one or more of the following practices: passively abandoning the use of technology, harming those who produce technology harmful to the environment, advocating simple living, or sabotaging technology. The modern neo-Luddite movement has connections with the anti-globalization movement, anarcho-primitivism, radical environmentalism, and deep ecology.[3]

Neo-Luddism is based on the concern of the technological impact on individuals, their communities, and/or the environment.[4] Neo-Luddism stipulates the use of the precautionary principle for all new technologies, insisting that technologies be proven safe before adoption, due to the unknown effects that new technologies might inspire.


President Trump was elected in a landslide victory of Electoral College votes and popular votes and victories in all seven swing states because President Trump’s Agenda 47 represents the type of society that a majority of US citizens want to live in, and that type of society is a Constitutional Federal Republic which protects Personal Liberty, Personal Rights, Personal Prosperity, and Personal Happiness. President Trump’s Executive Orders and Cabinet Appointments prove that he is keeping the promises that he made during his election campaign.

President Trump was elected because his goals and vision for America are preferable to a majority of the citizens of the USA than the goals and vision for the destruction of America that Democratic Party waged over the previous four years.

President Trump is the people’s REPRESENTATIVE, not their SAVIOR.

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I don't trust Steve Bannon or any of these cointellpro bobbleheads. Never trust a Jesuit. They are always in the middle of the war, or false revolution, keeping the self appointed authorities going.

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Count Jerm as one of Yarvin's followers:

"I don't think anybody should be allowed to vote. I don't believe in Democracy."


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About cahones, unless my car is messed with internally. like if turn the key on and it explodes with me inside it, I don't care that assholes key the outside of my car or some guy headed towards CENTRAL WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY flips me two fingers because my car carries a sign on back side that says Israel did 9/11 or that on both sides of my car doors, I project my love and support for the beautiful Palestinians who our entire world would benefit from adopting their love for each other, the doctors who truly care about patients and refused to leave and knew they would die for doing so. I would love to have a doctor like that. And how about the journalists, so brave to report the actual events, knowing that vest would NOT protect them. If you cannot see why Palestinians are so much more valuable as human beings than the Israelis and the Western Nations that supported the erasure of them, you, yourself, might not be a good human being; you, yourself might need to be erased more than people who are like Palestinians.

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Why the jump to the conclusion at the end that the Thiel cabal, of which I've been concerned for months now, wants a total surveillance state and merging humans with machines? No difference from the UN/WEF program? Thinking you need a dictator to defend individual rights, right or wrong, is a different idea.

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Democracy,freedom and reality are just words in languages which are misconstrued by the ego in the minds of all humans since the beginning of civilization. Even the pale blue dot has an ego evolving by the passage of time. All the variables of influence from humans are irrelevant and powerless to a universe that allows us to exist. How many humans since the beginning have been slaughtered by our own species? Makes you feel kind of culpable to these actions some more than others. Left right left right left right left right as we all march through political history. A constitution is just a bunch of words like the others misconstrued by egos throughout time. Language is not working as it should. Generations of study, writing and manipulation by egos around the globe is proof of repeating the same mistakes over and over again and again. So all these geniuses of political study creating hierarchies of manipulation kinda gives you an uneasy feeling constantly knowing that mistakes will be made again and again. One thing is crystal clear that nobody is actually communicating. We will continue to write and speak as usual till the game is over and all the money, houses etc. all goes back in the box just to be redistributed to the next generation meanwhile you die knowing that you actually did nothing but the printed words will say something different. So what do you call an organization in any given territory which maintains a monopoly on the legitimate use of violence? This same organization is altering the role our minds have traditionally played in shaping, ordering and assessing our choices and actions. Carl Schmitt wrote: true sovereignty lies with the party which decides “the exception” the instance in which the law negates itself. This means that along with our belief in the liberal democratic state there is an authoritarian security state and one more deep state ruled by Oligarchs. They all work together although they don’t sound like it when they speak. Funny thing called language! What can be said at all can be said clearly, and what we cannot talk about we must pass over in silence; L Wittgenstein. Guess you could say the logic of our language is misunderstood. There is something to be said of “the belief in authority” I quote Larkin Rose: The belief in authority dramatically impacts both the perceptions and actions of various categories of people, leading literally billions of otherwise good, peaceful people to condone or commit acts of violent, immoral aggression. In fact everyone who believes in government does this, though the vast majority, do not realize it, and would vehemently deny it. Yeah….kind of obvious isn’t it.

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Greate take ❤️

So today my Instagram get closed for this posting…

Trust us we’re engineers…



So my Question at this point in time is - are these Luming-Science’s from the Nazi-Child-killing-Program the all time solution for the Stargate bioscience initiative that gave life a Best-before date like the Breakpoints in machines? What are Quantum Dots?


These are really wired times.

Respect Me&You & PlanetBlue 🕊

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