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Project Aerodynamic
With the rise of US-based Neo-Nazi activity, we need to understand where a lot of it is coming form. It is very suspicious that a lot of the people involved in US based Neo-Nazi factions have ties directly to Ukraine specifically. Check out our previous coverage of the topic on how Ukrainian Neo-nazis were involved in both Charlottesville and the events of January 6th:
A lot of the Ukrainian fascist activities funded by the west can be tied back to an operation known as Project Aerodynamic, where the CIA employed known Nazi war criminal Mykola Lebed to help seed fascist anti-soviet factions that became embedded in the country until the US was ready to deploy the coup that took place in Ukraine in 2014.
According to a now declassified document describing the scope of Project Aerodynamic, which you can find on the CIA website:
The ZP/UHVR [Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council] has sympathizers and collaborators in emigre communities in at least ten Western countries. Project AERODYNAMIC operates through the Prolog Research and Publishing Association, Inc., which was established in 1953 to conduct the clandestine activities of ZP/UHVR. Mr. Mykola LEBED (AECASSOWARY/2), was appointed President of Prolog, and became the Principal Agent for Project AERODYNAMIC.
We now see that people involved in this most recent situation in Florida involving the Neo-Nazi group called the “Blood Tribe” are Ukrainian, who talk fondly of the Neo-Nazi group the Azov Battalion.
This article in The Herald describes Kent “Boneface” McLellan’s involvement in Ukraine fighting alongside Neo-Nazi groups there:
TLAV has covered the Ukrainian/US Neo-Nazi overlap extensively, so make sure you check out each of these additional episodes of The Daily Wrap Up for more information:
Not Just Azov: Documents Prove The CIA Has Been Cultivating Fascism In Ukraine Since At Least 1948
Douglas Valentine Interview – The CIA’s Dark & Criminal History In Ukraine & Around The World
Ukraine Roundtable – False Flags, Psyops & Propaganda: What You Are Not Being Told About Ukraine
Zelensky Linked To Azov Battalion & Unverified Info From Ukraine Reported Even While Exposed As Fake
Whitney Webb Interview – January 6th, Azov Battalion & The War On D̶o̶m̶e̶s̶t̶i̶c̶ ̶T̶e̶r̶r̶o̶r̶ YOU
January 6th: The Failed False Flag Meant To Blame Russia (And YOU) Using CIA Grown Azov Battalion
Buffalo Shooter Linked To Azov Movement As The Clumsy “Vanilla ISIS” Agenda Stumbles Forward
“Vanilla ISIS” Is Here – The CIA Constructed Illusion Meant To Demonize Russia & Justify War On YOU
The Patriot Front, January 6th & The “Vanilla ISIS” Psyop
Azov Further Infiltrates US, Maui Updates, Illness Worse After Boosters & The COVID Psyop’s Back!
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