Is Trumps support for Stargate AI and mRNA injections a betrayal of the American People?
Just about everyone that commented on this article (below) are very suspicious of Trump's intentions
Will Trump herald in a Golden Age or a Golden Shower? Who is really going to pay the 500 Billion? How will the investment benefit the working class vs the Tech Oligarchs? Will it lead to a greater or lesser polarization of wealth? What happens to the worker when the combination of AI, Robots and Quantum computing erases 50% of the remaining jobs in the next 20 years? The polarization of wealth has increased over the last 50 years. How is Trump going to reverse that while supporting AI which will likely cause even more polarization of wealth. Trust but verify?
By the way mRNA technologies should never be forced upon the public as happened in 2021 during the plandemic? Sorry but I don't trust Trump on AI or mRNA injections which he supports. I'm beginning to think the American People are soon going to get a Golden Shower and not a Golden Era. Convince me that I am wrong. Also what is he going to do about Lahaina, the LA Fires, N. Carolina. Is he going to allow the displacement of the people of N. Carolina to mine Lithium. Is he going to allow LA to be turned into a Smart City? Is he going to investigate the use of Geoengineering to push people out of their homes?
Trump throws his weight behind new generation of mRNA gene-therapy injections, for cancer and other diseases
[Updated 01/21/2025@4PM EST] Please share widely. This is a very comprehensive analysis of the LA Fires. The LA Fires are said to be the most destructive fires in California's history, destroying over 12,000 homes and causing nearly 300 billion in damage. And as of this essay the fires are not contained and heavy winds are expected to increase in the next few days There is no doubt that 100 mile/hour Santa Ana winds, flying cinders and extreme drought conditions were a significant cause of the fires. But the primary cause was the lack of forest and water management. In addition I have concerns that geoengineering, DEWs, Smart Meters and other technologies may have also been employed.
The LA Fires were the result of Globalist Policies and not Climate Change
Did Smart Meters, Geoengineering and DEWs also contribute to the historic fires
For me... none of this is a good direction. The farther we get away from organic life, the sooner we lose life... bottom line. No one can convince me otherwise. Gene therapies are meant to alter genes as if humans are flawed when the truth is, if our bodies are supported in healing themselves, like they were made to do and that becomes/is common knowledge... there is nothing we cannot heal. The Tell-a-Vision has done a great job of programming the masses to believe other wise.
I doubt that these "gene therapies" actually do change your genes but their delivery system(lipid nanoparticles) does in fact cause cancer so it seems a bit insane to say we will use a delivery system that causes cancer to cure your cancer. People always want a quick fix(pill or shot) rather than to be told changing the way they live might be what brings them the healing they seek. Our medical system seems to be all in on tech solutions which don't bring healing. More money in that path.
mRNA injections must be halted as they've already killed 17 million with the mRNA Covid injection. And AI is just going to push for the global acceptance of a Digital ID and Digital Currency which are the primary goals of the Globalists. Humans intrinsically are curious about the next "shiny object" -- whether that be AI, a mRNA injection to cure cancer etc. If you haven't noticed we are being inundated with this idea that AI will solve all our problems.
As Bob Dylan once said "you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows." We're being duped. You know what is really going to reduce cancer and other diseases? Get rid of the toxins in the food supply: endocrine disruptors, fluoride in our water supply, PFAS chemicals etc. I've been writing now for over 36 years about this push toward globalism. And like AI I also distill information given the vast amounts of research I have assimilated. From that process comes increased intuition, a more complex "gut response" to events and much more. Don't underestimate Human Intelligence which has evolved since the beginning's of life on this planet. And whenever the dictates of AI don't seem to add up . . . trust your gut. And also remain circumspect about the globalists that will control AI and their sub rosa agenda.
Bruce wrote a gorgeous repartee commentary to the horrifying technofacistic vile controligarchs over there in occupied Washington d.c..degenerate criminals...God Bless...God Speed..the world needs stellar clarity like Bruce s pretense no nonsense neoliberal pearl clutching...**Rearm Now**
He's their best puppet- Rothschilds bailed him out in the 90s.
IMO, everything since 2016 has been theater to hook conservatives into believing he's a threat to TPTB and now he's helping them usher in their digital slave grid.
"Billionaire Larry Ellison says a vast AI-fueled surveillance system can ensure citizens will be on their best behavior."
Billionaire techno/fascists have always been determined to bring China's surveillance system to the West.
Secondly, but even more frightening is pondering what the government will do with the many millions who'll be replaced by AI technology. The ruling class will hardly be interested in giving hefty basic incomes to "useless eaters" who are devoting leisure time developing life enhancing skills. 😁
That's where the "30 minute 3D printer" AI generated mRNA injections come into play.
If you think they're being developed to eradicate cancer, I have a land mass called Greenland to sell you. 😆 Better think more in terms of myocarditis on steroids and turbo cancers.
The Orange Trojan Horse will do anything for a few extra crypto Fartcoins. 🤑🤑🤑
I have come to believe the entire mRNA scheme is intended to transform humans into transhumans through the microcircuitry installed with every injection. Those who end up surviving the adverse effects/events, and continue to allow themselves to be injected, will become a new species.
Yes…they certainly do not want to give basic incomes… to useless eaters…who use up…precious resources….and eat the planets produce…when their Robots can do the job… and require none of that! I believe that’s where we’re a heading…to mass depopulation… by these godless technocrats who probably have wired brains…with no heart…empathy or compassion! They think….just like what they’ve created…steel wired digital images of humans…with nothing inside but wires…numbers… and computations!😨
Trusting... clockwork orange chabadnick trumpdog is as intelligent as insisting the Moon is made of Green cheese**Trumprats Zog occult governance is controlled demolition..after all his closest "family*are wef--blackrock members...and..he said it...he s the king of isreal..** then there's his Zionist entity millenarian horrifying cabinet picks..bondi susie wiles.. hegseth......hucksterabee...sure start 10 new wars with Islamic people ..thanks but No thanks Jews lunatics!
This scenario is even scarier and more terrifying than the rise of The Third Reich and Mr Blair’s 1984 put together, I am an ordinary Man nearing the end of my Journey I worked all my life and I mean all since eight years old until two cardiac arrests stopped me in my tracks and a couple of other things that happened afterwards. If I was a Young Man I would just as I did in the 60s 70s 80s and during the Scum political party time of new Labour the Blair years be on the streets giving it Laldy. I’m approaching 74 now and would if I was able take to the streets again sadly I cannot. The Billionaires and World Leaders and their Inner Circles are treating our lives as a Reality TV SHOW these People are Insane and what the F*ck is Transhuminism if the Normal People of our World don’t put a stop to the Era and Future of the Mad Scientists and Billionaires in Power the World we know or have known will end. Think about this they are going to build AI Robots to be more like Humans only Stronger and WHY do this there is little enough Work for People as it is. My opinion is Trump Musk Bezos Zuckerberg and all the other Billionaires and Mad Scientists are doing this not for the Betterment of our Lives but quite simply to Use the Robots for Controlling the Populace when they Revolt against Capitalism and Tyranny these People who the Majority of Americans British French German et al Voted to Rule over us are Despots who would ever have thought Putin would look like a Soppy Liberal compared to this Lot. In honesty I have for many many years been more Frightened by the actions of the American President’s and Government and The English Government and the Israeli Knesset than I have of Russia China North Korea Vietnam or any of the Militant Arab Nations. The Party of Doom are Building and Creating ways to subjugate The Many Hell is Coming You have been Warned.
Yes…Paddy…but there is hope!!….in that which never changes…and that is God Almighty! This world is not our real home! This is just the proving ground…testing stage! There is life after death! Only in Christ…is there eternal life! His life…death….and resurrection! Believing in Him…brings the peace… our hearts long for! Peace within…and peace with God! Things are going to go from bad to worse…here! But in Christ we have hope!
Can't say this often enough! PSYCHOPATHS! MEGALOMANIACS!
The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
This horrifying Larry Ellison, Sam Altman, Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
Unfortunately, just getting a cavity filled involves local anesthetic with a side of graphene oxide, reportedly now in contact lens solution, asthma inhalers and God knows what else. That along with vax shedding and MRNA vegetables does not bode well for any of us.
It is why I REFUSE to take anymore mRNA injections or use any form of AI by America tech companies without them being open-sourced & decentralized, especially when OpenAI (who made ChatGPT) hired people like Paul M. Nakasone to their board of directors (in which he used to be part of the NSA). It's what Edward Snowden warned us about.
I've had both the Pfizer mRNA vaccine shots back in March & April of 2021. Both gave me a sore arm for a while. Eight months later in December of 2021, I've had both the Pfizer booster shot along with the flu shot & it gave me a MASSIVE headache. I thought I was going to have a stroke. That's when I swore off of any vaccinations unless they're proven to really help people like myself.
I was a liberal at the time & didn't know any better. Now ever since late 2022, I transitioned myself from a liberal, to a socialist as I've fully woken up to the duopoly/uniparty establishment. Then later, to an anarchist. Everything that's happening right now should be a BIG wakeup call.
Climate change is such an existential threat that we need to rebuild society around dangerous and unstable battery technologies, yet energy hog AI data centers are no big deal?
Perhaps we need a special shot for Trump, Musk and the rest of the Technocrats. mRNA vaccine which gets rid of psychopathy, and creates a paternal instinct for their fellow man?
Or we go back to plan A, in which get them on trial for crimes against humanity and dignity.
Those who get money from the government could learn from Davy Crockett.
A Tale Of Davy Crockett
In which the Old Tennessee bear hunter meets up with the Constitution of the United States
[Borrowed from a pamphlet distributed by the Virginia Commission on Constitutional Government c. 1960, taken from an article appearing earlier in the Freeman magazine, in turn condensed from the 1884 Life of Colonel David Crockett by Edward S. Ellis.]
I tried to post the entire piece but the king wouldn't let me.
Technocracy whether by AMA monochromatic arbitrary Rockefeller biochemical byproducts and ..other"products*.or technofacist drone -cost--effective-..robot that..really..just.automatred..rngorced..imposed..euthanasia......pop...controls.....herd management..? matter....none of t trumprats warp speed untested technocratic quackery augurs good for analogue sentient human kind...*At the end of the day..still!.... money for for the 2nd for bizarre super surveillance state..super police state...cyborgism...
and No money for Americans**No checks and balances leads only. to revolutionary anxiety and apocalypse.."Get Ellison Altman kushner bezos zuckerfarce schmuely boteach..Richard Rachelle Levine..Jamie dimon Janet yellin..chertoff..zakheim..Gina haspel.....wiles....El--:On Muskrat Soros..get them all the hell out solution..hang them*
Is Trumps support for Stargate AI and mRNA injections a betrayal of the American People?
Just about everyone that commented on this article (below) are very suspicious of Trump's intentions
Will Trump herald in a Golden Age or a Golden Shower? Who is really going to pay the 500 Billion? How will the investment benefit the working class vs the Tech Oligarchs? Will it lead to a greater or lesser polarization of wealth? What happens to the worker when the combination of AI, Robots and Quantum computing erases 50% of the remaining jobs in the next 20 years? The polarization of wealth has increased over the last 50 years. How is Trump going to reverse that while supporting AI which will likely cause even more polarization of wealth. Trust but verify?
By the way mRNA technologies should never be forced upon the public as happened in 2021 during the plandemic? Sorry but I don't trust Trump on AI or mRNA injections which he supports. I'm beginning to think the American People are soon going to get a Golden Shower and not a Golden Era. Convince me that I am wrong. Also what is he going to do about Lahaina, the LA Fires, N. Carolina. Is he going to allow the displacement of the people of N. Carolina to mine Lithium. Is he going to allow LA to be turned into a Smart City? Is he going to investigate the use of Geoengineering to push people out of their homes?
Trump throws his weight behind new generation of mRNA gene-therapy injections, for cancer and other diseases
[Updated 01/21/2025@4PM EST] Please share widely. This is a very comprehensive analysis of the LA Fires. The LA Fires are said to be the most destructive fires in California's history, destroying over 12,000 homes and causing nearly 300 billion in damage. And as of this essay the fires are not contained and heavy winds are expected to increase in the next few days There is no doubt that 100 mile/hour Santa Ana winds, flying cinders and extreme drought conditions were a significant cause of the fires. But the primary cause was the lack of forest and water management. In addition I have concerns that geoengineering, DEWs, Smart Meters and other technologies may have also been employed.
The LA Fires were the result of Globalist Policies and not Climate Change
Did Smart Meters, Geoengineering and DEWs also contribute to the historic fires
For me... none of this is a good direction. The farther we get away from organic life, the sooner we lose life... bottom line. No one can convince me otherwise. Gene therapies are meant to alter genes as if humans are flawed when the truth is, if our bodies are supported in healing themselves, like they were made to do and that becomes/is common knowledge... there is nothing we cannot heal. The Tell-a-Vision has done a great job of programming the masses to believe other wise.
I doubt that these "gene therapies" actually do change your genes but their delivery system(lipid nanoparticles) does in fact cause cancer so it seems a bit insane to say we will use a delivery system that causes cancer to cure your cancer. People always want a quick fix(pill or shot) rather than to be told changing the way they live might be what brings them the healing they seek. Our medical system seems to be all in on tech solutions which don't bring healing. More money in that path.
mRNA injections must be halted as they've already killed 17 million with the mRNA Covid injection. And AI is just going to push for the global acceptance of a Digital ID and Digital Currency which are the primary goals of the Globalists. Humans intrinsically are curious about the next "shiny object" -- whether that be AI, a mRNA injection to cure cancer etc. If you haven't noticed we are being inundated with this idea that AI will solve all our problems.
As Bob Dylan once said "you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows." We're being duped. You know what is really going to reduce cancer and other diseases? Get rid of the toxins in the food supply: endocrine disruptors, fluoride in our water supply, PFAS chemicals etc. I've been writing now for over 36 years about this push toward globalism. And like AI I also distill information given the vast amounts of research I have assimilated. From that process comes increased intuition, a more complex "gut response" to events and much more. Don't underestimate Human Intelligence which has evolved since the beginning's of life on this planet. And whenever the dictates of AI don't seem to add up . . . trust your gut. And also remain circumspect about the globalists that will control AI and their sub rosa agenda.
Bruce wrote a gorgeous repartee commentary to the horrifying technofacistic vile controligarchs over there in occupied Washington d.c..degenerate criminals...God Bless...God Speed..the world needs stellar clarity like Bruce s pretense no nonsense neoliberal pearl clutching...**Rearm Now**
Aw that was nice. Thanks for that.
A convoluted World in a convoluted Cosmos !!!!!
Trump could be the greatest bait and switch politico EVERRRR...
He's their best puppet- Rothschilds bailed him out in the 90s.
IMO, everything since 2016 has been theater to hook conservatives into believing he's a threat to TPTB and now he's helping them usher in their digital slave grid.
Sandra you have uncommon wisdom*,
"Billionaire Larry Ellison says a vast AI-fueled surveillance system can ensure citizens will be on their best behavior."
Billionaire techno/fascists have always been determined to bring China's surveillance system to the West.
Secondly, but even more frightening is pondering what the government will do with the many millions who'll be replaced by AI technology. The ruling class will hardly be interested in giving hefty basic incomes to "useless eaters" who are devoting leisure time developing life enhancing skills. 😁
That's where the "30 minute 3D printer" AI generated mRNA injections come into play.
If you think they're being developed to eradicate cancer, I have a land mass called Greenland to sell you. 😆 Better think more in terms of myocarditis on steroids and turbo cancers.
The Orange Trojan Horse will do anything for a few extra crypto Fartcoins. 🤑🤑🤑
I have come to believe the entire mRNA scheme is intended to transform humans into transhumans through the microcircuitry installed with every injection. Those who end up surviving the adverse effects/events, and continue to allow themselves to be injected, will become a new species.
The new species will be called “corpses”.
Bingo.! Bingo....!Bingo!
Yes…they certainly do not want to give basic incomes… to useless eaters…who use up…precious resources….and eat the planets produce…when their Robots can do the job… and require none of that! I believe that’s where we’re a heading…to mass depopulation… by these godless technocrats who probably have wired brains…with no heart…empathy or compassion! They think….just like what they’ve created…steel wired digital images of humans…with nothing inside but wires…numbers… and computations!😨
Zombie apocalypse
The toxic jabs are designed to depopulate the remaining unfortunates will merge with machines and become cyborgs.🤖
Trusting... clockwork orange chabadnick trumpdog is as intelligent as insisting the Moon is made of Green cheese**Trumprats Zog occult governance is controlled demolition..after all his closest "family*are wef--blackrock members...and..he said it...he s the king of isreal..** then there's his Zionist entity millenarian horrifying cabinet picks..bondi susie wiles.. hegseth......hucksterabee...sure start 10 new wars with Islamic people ..thanks but No thanks Jews lunatics!
Have heard the U.S., Russia, and China were each an economic experiment. The super rich prefer the China system.
This scenario is even scarier and more terrifying than the rise of The Third Reich and Mr Blair’s 1984 put together, I am an ordinary Man nearing the end of my Journey I worked all my life and I mean all since eight years old until two cardiac arrests stopped me in my tracks and a couple of other things that happened afterwards. If I was a Young Man I would just as I did in the 60s 70s 80s and during the Scum political party time of new Labour the Blair years be on the streets giving it Laldy. I’m approaching 74 now and would if I was able take to the streets again sadly I cannot. The Billionaires and World Leaders and their Inner Circles are treating our lives as a Reality TV SHOW these People are Insane and what the F*ck is Transhuminism if the Normal People of our World don’t put a stop to the Era and Future of the Mad Scientists and Billionaires in Power the World we know or have known will end. Think about this they are going to build AI Robots to be more like Humans only Stronger and WHY do this there is little enough Work for People as it is. My opinion is Trump Musk Bezos Zuckerberg and all the other Billionaires and Mad Scientists are doing this not for the Betterment of our Lives but quite simply to Use the Robots for Controlling the Populace when they Revolt against Capitalism and Tyranny these People who the Majority of Americans British French German et al Voted to Rule over us are Despots who would ever have thought Putin would look like a Soppy Liberal compared to this Lot. In honesty I have for many many years been more Frightened by the actions of the American President’s and Government and The English Government and the Israeli Knesset than I have of Russia China North Korea Vietnam or any of the Militant Arab Nations. The Party of Doom are Building and Creating ways to subjugate The Many Hell is Coming You have been Warned.
Paddy The Free Thinker.
Absolutely gorgeous incisive heartfelt beautiful words Paddy..God Bless. ..God Speed*. If you...really can't Rearm ..try to support those who do**
Punctuation would really help make sense of your comment.
Your words resonated deeply inside me !!!!! Kudos
Yes…Paddy…but there is hope!!….in that which never changes…and that is God Almighty! This world is not our real home! This is just the proving ground…testing stage! There is life after death! Only in Christ…is there eternal life! His life…death….and resurrection! Believing in Him…brings the peace… our hearts long for! Peace within…and peace with God! Things are going to go from bad to worse…here! But in Christ we have hope!
Yeah..but it's not over till the fat lady sings...**
Anagram of Peter Thiel:
When you inject AI-enhanced mRNA technology supposedly to “cure cancer,” you’re essentially:
•Creating a biological interface for AI within your bod
Can't say this often enough! PSYCHOPATHS! MEGALOMANIACS!
The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
This horrifying Larry Ellison, Sam Altman, Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
Bless and thank you for doing what you do!
Allowing programmable technology to interact with your DNA
•Opening your biological system to potential external control
Vaccines of any kind are considered human augmentation -
Vaccines,?..Quackzines..satanic psychosis in actual fact...**
Unfortunately, just getting a cavity filled involves local anesthetic with a side of graphene oxide, reportedly now in contact lens solution, asthma inhalers and God knows what else. That along with vax shedding and MRNA vegetables does not bode well for any of us.
It is why I REFUSE to take anymore mRNA injections or use any form of AI by America tech companies without them being open-sourced & decentralized, especially when OpenAI (who made ChatGPT) hired people like Paul M. Nakasone to their board of directors (in which he used to be part of the NSA). It's what Edward Snowden warned us about. (in case you don't have access to Twitter/X).
I've had both the Pfizer mRNA vaccine shots back in March & April of 2021. Both gave me a sore arm for a while. Eight months later in December of 2021, I've had both the Pfizer booster shot along with the flu shot & it gave me a MASSIVE headache. I thought I was going to have a stroke. That's when I swore off of any vaccinations unless they're proven to really help people like myself.
I was a liberal at the time & didn't know any better. Now ever since late 2022, I transitioned myself from a liberal, to a socialist as I've fully woken up to the duopoly/uniparty establishment. Then later, to an anarchist. Everything that's happening right now should be a BIG wakeup call.
Climate change is such an existential threat that we need to rebuild society around dangerous and unstable battery technologies, yet energy hog AI data centers are no big deal?
Perhaps we need a special shot for Trump, Musk and the rest of the Technocrats. mRNA vaccine which gets rid of psychopathy, and creates a paternal instinct for their fellow man?
Or we go back to plan A, in which get them on trial for crimes against humanity and dignity.
Sam Altman, Larry Ellison, Elon Musk, and other technocrats like Peter Thiel have good reasons to fear for their safety if they emulate Dr. Fauci.
But, isn't this what they are doing?
They don't have the kill rate he does, so far.
Let's hope and pray it doesn't get that far!
Those who get money from the government could learn from Davy Crockett.
A Tale Of Davy Crockett
In which the Old Tennessee bear hunter meets up with the Constitution of the United States
[Borrowed from a pamphlet distributed by the Virginia Commission on Constitutional Government c. 1960, taken from an article appearing earlier in the Freeman magazine, in turn condensed from the 1884 Life of Colonel David Crockett by Edward S. Ellis.]
I tried to post the entire piece but the king wouldn't let me.
Technocracy whether by AMA monochromatic arbitrary Rockefeller biochemical byproducts and ..other"products*.or technofacist drone -cost--effective-..robot that..really..just.automatred..rngorced..imposed..euthanasia......pop...controls.....herd management..? matter....none of t trumprats warp speed untested technocratic quackery augurs good for analogue sentient human kind...*At the end of the day..still!.... money for for the 2nd for bizarre super surveillance state..super police state...cyborgism...
and No money for Americans**No checks and balances leads only. to revolutionary anxiety and apocalypse.."Get Ellison Altman kushner bezos zuckerfarce schmuely boteach..Richard Rachelle Levine..Jamie dimon Janet yellin..chertoff..zakheim..Gina haspel.....wiles....El--:On Muskrat Soros..get them all the hell out solution..hang them*
Typo.. enforced....or that...pop.conttols?
Read Dave Eggers book, The Circle.
I read that several years ago. I always assumed that stuff would happen long after my death. Things sped up in a hurry
It’s crazy how things have evolved. I feel the same way about Orwell’s 1984…unfolded almost exactly to script.