Steve Kirsch is offering a bounty for anyone that can find a substantive error in RFK Jr's "The Real Anthony Fauci" or "Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth".
Steve is doing good work, dad the jabbed aren’t listening much. Never seen the cognitive dissonance as bad as it is lately. Maybe Stockholm syndrome too. I got nowhere with jabbed loved ones. They tune me out faster than ever.
I don't know what's in either one of these books yet but if there's any of this psyop scammer bs about WW I & II or masks being put on slaves in history without being in an honest context, like we see from this Vera Sharav psyop scammer lady that is in the recently put out "The Real Anthony Fauci" documentary, that's definitely some bs that needs to stop. The research I happen to come across and put together best I can so far that lead me to believe this can be seen below.
Share WW I & II Truth for Peace
Click "MORE" below each video to see the additional info.
Note: If my Share WW I & II Truth for Peace bitchute channel is restricted to you like it is to some because of their location, use some VPN like to access the internet where you can change your location to one that works and you can view the channel. I have other channels so it's not like I focus on this only. Also just FYI I switched to Proton email a while back with no problems so far and think it's better than any US or BBC legacy mainstream media Big Tech. Proton email has its own built in VPN, and they recently came out with Proton Drive for storage too.
Kirsch has been doing good work on the C19 level, but I have to admit, once his "bet challenge" gets put in your face, it feels juvenile and stupid.
First off, this particular challenge isn't going to do anything because it doesn't matter anymore. Let me put it this way, "a highly respected lawyer writes a book condemning a long serving medical expert for torture and murder and disease spread and the only response from the medical expert is 'he doesn't like me'"
If Kennedy is wrong, that's a major defamation suit. The no response is the best thing to do when you are in fact a puppy torturing disease spreading murderous cartoon villain.
I will say this though, the vitriol and aggressiveness of Kirsch when he stepped his toe into the Terrain Theory debate showed me a lot of what this guy is made of. And he scurried off when he was properly eviscerated.
Thats not how to have a discussion. "Uh uh I bet you a million dollars! We will have judges uh uh" I really lost a lot of respect for him then.
Look, I dont think we know what the truth is about viruses and contagion. I cant say Terrain theory is right or wrong but I am interested and it does look like there's some tomfoolery going on.
Let's have a talk, not a 5th grade Bet! BET! bet! approach. If the book and the doc don't get Fauci rolled out of DC like Hannibal Lector, this challenge won't either.
Mid way through, an encyclopedia of corruption is what it really is. "Book" feels quaint compared to what she has cataloged.
I think it is going to take awhile for this to get absorbed and I often wonder if it will. In her first chapter she cites Al McCoy's opus (dude was 25 when he wrote it ffs, where do these geniuses come from?) The Politics of Heroin and how much did that change things?
There is a phlegm in the American brain. This is what I have been wrestling with, how to get past this blockage in people. I'm just watching too many smart people shrug it off. When I bring this stuff up it feels like that feeling when magnets oppose.
What it really feels like though is saying "your God is not real".
I am in rural CA and I am still seeing masks and people with masks openly talking about why they are wearing masks, so everyone can hear them, this is at the grocery store or the garden store, and it is just sad.
Like the blue haired lady in the on the street clip who said she approved of the childhood vaccine scheduling because she "didn't want her kid to die". Thats the phlegm I'm talking about.
I'm dealing with this in my extended family and I am running out of tools! No one listens to me or asks the questions I am asking.
I have family members boosted and vaxxes out the wazoo and are bed ridden with covid.... because the test says thats what makes them sick, and they still won't just boil some grapefruit and lemon rinds and drink the juice.
Thats what I did. I was better in 36 hours and frankly I would do it again because the fever dreams were glorious and I sweated like crazy, it was like a day and half in a sauna.
And I tell people that and they look at me like I'm nuts but I am the one doing better.
I can not completely decipher it but some kind of socio-political trick has been applied that brainlocks half the country via this hatred for Trump that anything can be "associated" with him and then immediately dismissed.
Critical thinking has been burned at the alter of fear.
Steve is doing good work, dad the jabbed aren’t listening much. Never seen the cognitive dissonance as bad as it is lately. Maybe Stockholm syndrome too. I got nowhere with jabbed loved ones. They tune me out faster than ever.
Yeah exactly. The cognitive dissonance is so shocking. I think these efforts by Steve are really good ways to shatter that barrier that they have up.
* but , not dad. Typo
I don't know what's in either one of these books yet but if there's any of this psyop scammer bs about WW I & II or masks being put on slaves in history without being in an honest context, like we see from this Vera Sharav psyop scammer lady that is in the recently put out "The Real Anthony Fauci" documentary, that's definitely some bs that needs to stop. The research I happen to come across and put together best I can so far that lead me to believe this can be seen below.
Share WW I & II Truth for Peace
Click "MORE" below each video to see the additional info.
Truth About the Slave Trade + More
Note: If my Share WW I & II Truth for Peace bitchute channel is restricted to you like it is to some because of their location, use some VPN like to access the internet where you can change your location to one that works and you can view the channel. I have other channels so it's not like I focus on this only. Also just FYI I switched to Proton email a while back with no problems so far and think it's better than any US or BBC legacy mainstream media Big Tech. Proton email has its own built in VPN, and they recently came out with Proton Drive for storage too.
Care to expand here on what you are talking about rather than spam us to links that benefit you? I'm not clicking that. Do your work here.
Kirsch has been doing good work on the C19 level, but I have to admit, once his "bet challenge" gets put in your face, it feels juvenile and stupid.
First off, this particular challenge isn't going to do anything because it doesn't matter anymore. Let me put it this way, "a highly respected lawyer writes a book condemning a long serving medical expert for torture and murder and disease spread and the only response from the medical expert is 'he doesn't like me'"
If Kennedy is wrong, that's a major defamation suit. The no response is the best thing to do when you are in fact a puppy torturing disease spreading murderous cartoon villain.
I will say this though, the vitriol and aggressiveness of Kirsch when he stepped his toe into the Terrain Theory debate showed me a lot of what this guy is made of. And he scurried off when he was properly eviscerated.
Thats not how to have a discussion. "Uh uh I bet you a million dollars! We will have judges uh uh" I really lost a lot of respect for him then.
Look, I dont think we know what the truth is about viruses and contagion. I cant say Terrain theory is right or wrong but I am interested and it does look like there's some tomfoolery going on.
Let's have a talk, not a 5th grade Bet! BET! bet! approach. If the book and the doc don't get Fauci rolled out of DC like Hannibal Lector, this challenge won't either.
Just got mine yesterday.
Mid way through, an encyclopedia of corruption is what it really is. "Book" feels quaint compared to what she has cataloged.
I think it is going to take awhile for this to get absorbed and I often wonder if it will. In her first chapter she cites Al McCoy's opus (dude was 25 when he wrote it ffs, where do these geniuses come from?) The Politics of Heroin and how much did that change things?
There is a phlegm in the American brain. This is what I have been wrestling with, how to get past this blockage in people. I'm just watching too many smart people shrug it off. When I bring this stuff up it feels like that feeling when magnets oppose.
What it really feels like though is saying "your God is not real".
Who will listen to that?
I am in rural CA and I am still seeing masks and people with masks openly talking about why they are wearing masks, so everyone can hear them, this is at the grocery store or the garden store, and it is just sad.
Like the blue haired lady in the on the street clip who said she approved of the childhood vaccine scheduling because she "didn't want her kid to die". Thats the phlegm I'm talking about.
I'm dealing with this in my extended family and I am running out of tools! No one listens to me or asks the questions I am asking.
I have family members boosted and vaxxes out the wazoo and are bed ridden with covid.... because the test says thats what makes them sick, and they still won't just boil some grapefruit and lemon rinds and drink the juice.
Thats what I did. I was better in 36 hours and frankly I would do it again because the fever dreams were glorious and I sweated like crazy, it was like a day and half in a sauna.
And I tell people that and they look at me like I'm nuts but I am the one doing better.
It is a stressful disconnect with people I love.
I can not completely decipher it but some kind of socio-political trick has been applied that brainlocks half the country via this hatred for Trump that anything can be "associated" with him and then immediately dismissed.
Critical thinking has been burned at the alter of fear.