It's a good medicine herb, but, you still must use it intelligently. Like anything it can be, and will be corrupted, to become something to control people with. Good information here.

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On the odd occasion that I have tried to use weed for 'pleasure' or relaxation, it made me have schizophrenic feelings, nauseous and even had me throw up. What am I doing wrong or what was happening? It was homegrown cannabis, no chemicals. Now I'm very reluctant to try it again.

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You may not be doing anything wrong at all. Respect your constitution. not every herb is good for every person. I have known people who do not respond well to it before. there are other herbs you might have success with. ginseng, is something that might help you, for example. I do not recommend it taken in any form but raw. The rastafari, say this also. they use only the fresh herb and eat it raw, or in a smoothie. or a sun tea.

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I'm so glad to see an article on cannabis. If only we utilized this amazing plant we would be super flushed with grandness. No wonder the government took it away. Think of all the trouble they took to eradicate it using helicopters and infrared lights to spot it and laws to jail people for using it or growing it. Humans are so retarded by their belief in government. And to think 50% of pharmaceuticals are aimed at destroying the body's receptor that fights disease. I love the picture you painted of a world where we live in great health. Imagine too where our waters were clean, our air and soil and sky - all pristine and we were a vigorous thriving species. All other species would benefit too. We could make petrochemicals obsolete as hemp, bamboo and kenaf have the ability to replace all that with massive health and environmental benefits.

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Thank you, Ryan, for this vital information informing Americans of the many health benefits of Cannabis.

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Hemp is all but a miracle plant. The history of the attack on weed stems from hemp, not marijuana.

Hemp grows quickly and is capable of producing much higher quality paper than trees are. It's super replenishable.

It also has incredible healing/health properties among numerous other benefits.

The government launched its attack to help certain industries thrive without which the suppression of hemp it wouldn't have been nearly as possible. The history of the government's assault on hemp is fascinating.

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Yup, it sure is interesting - and Dupont had a great deal to do with that history. Hemp was once mandated to be grown by American farmers for its value as a textile and lubricant before the next iteration of a global pharmacratic government criminalised the plant and helped push our evolution off the rails. Covid my arse.

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I can’t think of one single major policy decision taken by the US government that has worked to the net benefit of all citizens. Highly intelligent but corrupt individuals carefully craft policy to the benefit of their friends and benefactors. and yet sell it to highly intelligent but ignorant populations as something for their benefit.

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That's how it was designed. The narrative, aka propaganda, lays it out otherwise, but most relevant history is either skewed and/or embellished or false altogether.

The US Government and its departments and agencies are all a series of corporations, and as such can be controlled by the owners of those corporations.

The Central Banking Cabal owns and controls everything in that way. Think of it as one giant global Company Store set-up.

All these people thinking that (s)elections can change anything or that anyone will be held accountable in THEIR system, that THEY control entirely, to the extent that it will do anything except make some people feel a little bit better, much less actually change anything, are deluded.

This is a spirtual war, Christ vs. anti-Christ. On this earth THEY win. Hence all the warnings in the NT to be faithful unto death All but ALL of formalized "Christianity" has been coopted by the enemy. Most things that we call "churches" in the US are little more than secular social organizations, and as 501(c) organizations, THEY are corporations too.

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Another thing big pharma doesn't want you to be using!

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Ryan, I'm always impressed at the accuracy and volume of your output. Bravo!

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Thank you John.

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love your content when i have a few hours to watch - and why i really appreciate shorter pieces that i can actually fit into my schedule, because i rarely do have that time to!

thanks much for all your work

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Have you ever looked into the research carefully curated and documented by Alex Berenson in Tell Your Children? https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40538979-tell-your-children

Many of these studies that claim that cannabis has medicinal properties are flawed or paid for by the marijuana industry and lobbyists (which also makes them flawed). While CBD has some medicinal properties, THC can be incredibly dangerous, especially at the levels found in today's marijuana. As opposed to the '60s and '70s where it was maybe only 2%, it's now well over 50%.

With the extreme rise in psychosis, violence, paranoia, depression, and suicide that correlates with the relaxed regulations around marijuana and the rise in usage, I'd suggest checking out this book before promoting it as some cure-all. We've long known that marijuana can cause people to become schizophrenic. And it's not just people who have the genes for it that experience these psychotic breaks. Extensive use of the drug or the wrong dosage can trigger temporary schizo episodes.

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Yes I have. Alex is wrong. Very, very wrong. Maybe I will be a post about it. The same thing that we all saw during COVID, regarding the "science" has been done to cannabis for decades. That he does not, or chooses not, to see it, is shocking to me.

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Alex ultimately “shit the bed” about COVID also.

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But don't you think it's irresponsible to tout it as some miracle when there are serious side effects? I'm sure you've seen people deal with mairjuana withdrawals and dependy as well as the paranoia that comes with. I certainly have. And what about impaired driving? I can tell you that just being exposed to second-hand smoke turns me into a catatonic, gives me the most painful heart palpitations I've ever experienced, as well as severe paranoia and thoughts of suicide. To sweep away all of Berenson's research and data analysis is what's wrong. Even if you don't like the man, there is truth to at least some of what he's written. And if you want to tout whatever positive side effects you believe the drug has, then it's your responsibility to address the negatives as well.

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You are also very wrong on this. What you are pointing to is narrative. Just like with the COVID illusion, there is a vested interest in keeping this lie going. You have clearly already made up your mind, evidenced by the fact that you have not actually listened to what I said. The negative side effects are near nonexistent, other than the types of effects one can garner after overuse of many normal products. Again, I am certain you disagree, but I have broken down these lies around cannabis for years, using peer reviewed science. I just hope you can step back and consider that.

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I have been smoking marijuana on a daily basis since I was 14 years old, I'm 73 on the 21st day of this month, and to paraphrase Willy Nelson; if smoking Marijuana is going to kill me it better hurry before old age gets me first.

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Whoa! "Back in the day" it was available, but illegal, so wonder how you got it to use every day all these decades. We got it illegally when my dad was dying of cancer, it was the only thing that helped him since he couldn't ingest anything and could smoke it instead. Helped tremendously! This involved considerable risk, but since then I was always in favor of legalization, at a minimum for medical use. It really took forever for some states to legalize it. Not all have, a patchwork. Evidence of our gov't working against us for all these decades: Letting people suffer needlessly or take legal risk.

And who can forget being shown the film "Reefer Madness" when in high school? Looks like unsophisticated propaganda, no? Of course, the covid shot videos look like an updated version of it.

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I come from a family with a long history of practicing natural healing and marijuana has always been one of the easiest natural medicines to cultivate. My Grandfather, Mack Meeks, was interviewed by Vance Randolph and included in Randolph's Ozark Magic and Folklore collection. In the interview he explains how to grow marijuana for spiritual purposes. He expressed the importance of planting on good Friday and only allowing female plants to reach maturity. When I was unable to grow for myself and had to buy from someone else finding a seller has never been a problem. I won the right to use marijuana in 1988 after a 10 session hearing at Toronto's Old City Hall court. I then fought for the right to grow and in 2002 was granted a license from Health Canada to grow 25 plants. Currently every Canadian over 18 has the right to grow 5 plants and my license to grow 25 plants for medicinal purposes is still valid.

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Lmao there is no such thing as "Marijuana withdrawals" - please cite evidence for this, and it MUST follow the scientific method, so be careful with ambiguous language like "may", "could", "suggests", etc.... and be aware of logical fallacies because that is a common issue with the sCiEnCe™️.

Your opening argument is "Many of these studies that claim that cannabis has medicinal properties are flawed or paid for by the marijuana industry and lobbyists (which also makes them flawed)." - and the truth is literally the inverse, which we have seen MORE often than not with every other topic. Why on earth would you trust "the experts" now? The big pharma medical industrial complex has been demonizing everything that is GOOD and NATURAL, while pushing petroleum medicine (many of our pharmaceuticals are made using oil, just FYI) since the introduction of Rockefeller medicine via the Flexner report in 1914. Marinate on that for a while. Then come back and tell me plants grown from the soil are worse for you than man-made, oil-based drugs. 🙄

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None of your arguments, nor those who defend cannabis usage has to do with 'health'. You people just want to smoke it and get 'high', pure and simple!

Plus, like many other drug trades, it's controlled by wealthy globalists, and one of the goals is to create mental dysfunctions in people as this help to undermine a society, undermine families and individuals.

This entire topic has nothing to do with "science"!!!

As if potheads were concerned with 'health', yeah?

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You are shockingly wrong, endless peer review studies prove the medical aspects. And what this article is describing is not even smoking, but ingesting THC/CBD. It amazes me that those who can see how clearly we were lied to during the COVID illusion, can't see the same games, same characters, same agenda, behind this.

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Don't make assumptions about people, not all are liars, fakes, cheats or bad people! When you Assume, you make an ass out of you and...well just you.

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I know exactly what I said, and is no 'assumption', but what I could and can see from other people. It's potheads defending their habit and using the 'health' excuse.

And of course comments like your have the heart like from this blog.... Blog that isn't christian, therefore cannot discern spiritual realities for what they are.

Smoke on, mate, smoke on!!!

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"Home growns alright with me. Home grown is the way it should be"

Neil Young.

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Berenson is drawing inappropriate conclusions from the research, primarily by inferring causation from correlation, as well as cherry picking data that fits his narrative, and falling victim to selection bias via his use of anecdotes to back up his assertions.

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Damn those 2800BC marijuana industry lobbyists!

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The highest thc contents are in the 28% range. Most commercial stuff is in the 20% range.

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For me the terpene content is more important than the THC level. I choose what works for my medical symptoms by the aroma given by the terpene content.

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Gotcha. My comment was in regard to the comment that newer strains are at 50% thc. That is false.

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What do you mean by "Gotcha"? I simply commented that I don't judge a strain by THC content and, for me, the odor determined by Terpene is more important than the THC content.

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Meaning is I understand what you meant. My comment was regarding an earlier comment, not you, saying thc levels are 50% in new strains. This is false.

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It's legal where I live, thank God. I use CBD daily and it's great for joint pain, which began at a pretty young age. I also have cut down on inflammation through diet, no sugar, few carbs etc.

I've also used THC for pain, and would prefer it to addictive pharmaceuticals, which I wouldn't take, including after an operation, though for the operation you have no choices. It's also possible to control pain with imagery, etc. However, I don't like getting high, it's a really unpleasant experience for me. I feel the same about alcohol. I'm not a prude and am fine with other people who want to use it for that.

If I have pain I take CBD and follow it with the THC 20-30 minutes later. The CBD blocks the high to a large extent, but not all the way. And is great for pain. I also normally take it at night. But I don't normally need it for pain except for injury, etc, tho have used it enough to see the same thing each time with the combo. I may try microdosing thc to see what that does. I'd point out that each person is different and so your own experience should be your guide, and if you manage to find a good functional medicine doctor, talking it over with him/her could be valuable.

Taking CBD daily likely has other health effects and I'm grateful for that.

Someone I know in another state, Ohio, where they voted to legalize growing it for personal use, up to 12 plants, then the state wanted to cut it back to six plants. Welp, because there are male and female, that means you may have a hard time getting enough female plants if growing from seed. All kinds of shenanigans.

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two things Sativa, Indica, or blend--each has its own characteristic effect

and, as in everything, the dose controls

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There is also "ruderalis", which is the third, yet far less know species of cannabis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabis_ruderalis

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I fear that the cannabis you could get about 20 years ago and what you get nowadays are very different… I remember getting smarter/sharper when I used to smoke. The stuff that's legal now just makes you dumb and horny. I'd bet the reason why it's getting legalized is because they've perfected the tweaked substance to make people apathetic and numb instead of introspective and more attuned to the universe.

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There is the possibility that you have changed and not the marijuana. Maybe you're no longer as introspective and attuned to the universe as you were 20 years ago.

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Sure. Everything is possible…

It's possible that if fruits and vegetables have become tasteless and lifeless compared to what they used to be like when I was a kid is just because my taste buds have changed. It's possible that they taste way better in some countries just because I'm in a better mood when I'm there.

And it's also possible that making assumptions about someone you know nothing about instead of listening to what they have to say might limit your capacity to question everything.

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What's funny is your use pf psychological projection. I listened to what you said and commented. Where's the assumption in maybe you've changed?

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Whoops… Just another fucking troll. Alright… Muted.

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Psychological projection and muting, but I'm the troll. LOL Are you always so emotionally driven?

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I agree that hemp industry has been criminalized for monopolistic purposes, it's an amazing crop. But the existence of receptors in the body and the claims of "super efficiency" are laughable. Look at the countries and communities where people smoke pot all day, tell me they're super efficient and healthy. Just enjoy your mind-altering drugs and don't pretend it's some miracle molecule for humanity.

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Are you assuming that this article is referring to smoking marijuana? That would be a very self-serving assumption, and you would be wrong. Also wrong on the negative effects of smoking cannabis, but this article was referring to consuming THC/CBD. And this "laughable" concept is a proven fact, literally disputed by no one in the scientific community. But I am sure you know better.

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Smoking pot is how millions of people ingest THC into their bloodstream. Are you saying there's completely different effects from edibles? I've got stoner friends who do it all, they're not "super efficient" in any sense of the word, medically or mentally

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You are clearly having trouble seeing beyond the decades long propaganda. We are not even having the same conversation. You are stuck on the "stoner" perception. What if you take the cannabis plant and simply blend it into a shake? All I said was consume, not smoke, or bake, both of which cause the psychoactive aspects. I am talking about the whole plant properties, which yes can also be utilized with smoking and baking. But if all you can see is "reefer madness" you are missing the point entirely. Lastly, "super efficient" is about body processes, not doing your chores around the house. This is not "Limitless".

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Alright. Fair enough, I did miss your point. I might have to look again at the non psychoactive side of it

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I find your arrogant, judgmental attitude as appalling as Clapper's statement of the characteristics of the Russian people.

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Nobody in history or today whom I admire needed THC or CBD to accomplish what they did. But everyone I know who sells drugs is evil, and everyone who buys them is a loser. It would be a lie for me to ignore that because of some supposed studies in a war of propaganda.

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Yeah you are either trolling or spectacularly missing the point. I tried.

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Very true. Another element that every cell in our body has a receptor for is iodine. Also demonized by Pharma and governments. 90% of population is deficient in this element required by all organs and cells to function. Maybe you could do a deep into iodine?

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If you haven't read it, The Emperor Wears No Clothes: A History of Cannabis/Hemp/Marijuana by Jack Herer is a fantastic history/resource book about it. So glad you're writing about it.

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Sorry man, I don't buy this article at all.

Without you knowing it, you're promoting "altered states of mind" which is one of the many new age pagan agenda activities.

You all go on about the good qualities of cannabis, how it can be used to improve the health of someone who is ill, but these are a very tiny minority, isn't it?

It's like heroin, cocaine, etc... they're used in some cases to help certain health conditions, but that doesn't mean they're good for people in general.

What most defenders of cannabis really want is to be off head with it, have a 'high'.

Plus for those who are christians, it's a sin!

There are tons of legions of people who smoked that stuff when they were growing up, and end up with serious different types of dysfunctions.

Finally, with any addiction, you've to take in consideration one of the biggest addiction's traits: compulsion, meaning, wherever they are doing or taking, they ALWAYS want more, and more, and more.

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Please show me where the Bible states that using marijuana is a sin. Who are you to judge others? Sorry but your misguided assertion is just your opinion and I'll leave my judgement up to God not to someone commenting on social media.

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Yeah, there are also downsides to much cannabis use especially high thc varieties or manufactured concentrates. Getting High is fun though and entertaining for a little bit. There might be some benefits but not for most people especially young people, in opinion and in published studies. Paranoia, laziness, and short term memory loss to name a few downsides.

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