Parent walks into child's room, "hey son, this is a mess. You are going to have to get this cleaned up by dinner."

"No, I do not want to."

"Well, if you don't and I have to, you are going to lose all these legos. They are everywhere. This can not go on. Clean them up, son, or if I do, they are gone for good."

Child thinks for a few moments, reflects on recent school lessons, and then says, "Stop calling me son, Dad, I am a girl."

The air goes still. The father is confused.

"No, son, you are a boy, and you will grow up to be a man, and a part of that is cleaning up after yourself."

The child, feeling defiance and power, looks at his father and restates, "No, Dad, I am a girl."

"You are not, but even if you were, you would still have to clean up your room, so that you would grow up to be a responsible woman. If you were a girl, this room wouldn't be filled with legos from truck models and have toy bulldozers all over the place. There would be dolls and mermaids and fairies. You are a boy, not a girl."

The child looks at his father, looks at the mess before him, thinks for a moment, and then says, "I am not cleaning this up and you stop misgendering me."

The father is not sure what weapon has been deployed against him, withdraws to talk to the child's mother, his wife, and serve dinner. She tells him she will talk to the boy.

The next day at school the child confides in a teacher that has been explaining all year how gender is fluid and parents do not understand. The child tells this teacher that his father misgendered him and his mother supported the misgendering.

"You are in a safe place now, child" the teacher comforts. "We can make sure you live with a family that understands you, will take care of you for who you are. You do not even have to go home tonight if you feel unsafe. We can get you into a new home tonight, would you like that?"

The child looks the teacher in the face and asks, "Do I have to clean up my room?"

"No, honey, no, you do not have to do anything you do not want to."

"OK, I will take the new family."

"Be right back, sweetie, I have to call Child Services."

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"How is carbon produced by humans different from other animals?", Ryan asks...

Here's the difference: Trillions of tons of carbon (formerly organic matter) has not been a part of the Carbon Cycle for millions of years (we dig oil up, right,? From deep under the ground, right?)... and in 200 years we've dug up all of those trillions of tons, burnt it, and that carbon has gone into the atmosphere and oceans.

And so, that Carbon Cycle that has been moving between hot and cold cycles, naturally, is now suddenly (200 years is a human timescale, the earth operates on a geological timescale) burdened with a lot of carbon that had been buried away for millions of years... and so, that carbon dissolves into the oceans and begins acidifying it (carbonic acid, like a can of Coke) and it disperses throughout the atmosphere.

Nature has a way of dealing with excess carbon via "carbon sinks", i.e. green biomass like the Amazon rainforest and phytoplankton in the oceans... but, oh yeah, we're also burning the rainforests of the world, and ocean acidification is only going to threaten the calcium carbonate shells of phytoplankton more and more...

Do you GET IT now yet, Ryan?

All of this investigation into the science of COVID for the last several years... but you know almost nothing about a subject you continue to criticize because it's convenient, as problematic organizations are involved?

Let me explain carbon pollution-driven climate change another way that might make more sense:

A child's methylation and/or immune system can handle the Thimerosal in an annual flu shot... once a year (that's the climate of earth operating with trillions of tons of carbon in the ground), well that's OK.

Now, start giving that child a flu shot every day and the mercury in the Thimerosal starts to accumulate, and the child's body starts struggling to deal with it.

Normally, the child's body would try to excrete the mercury through normal means, but in this case the body is being hindered from producing sweat and/or other wastes (think of the burning of the Amazon rainforests, etc) and the mercury is accumulating more rapidly...

Do you GET IT yet, Ryan?

When you unnaturally start adding a pollutant to a closed system, a closed system that was operating with that pollutant not previously being a part of the homeostasis of that closed system - and if that pollutant has nowhere to go - you should expect that pollutant to begin having a harming effect on that closed system.

The earth, NATURALLY, has seen high levels of carbon in the atmosphere... but that occurred over the period of thousands of years, and it took many thousands of years for the Carbon Cycle to normalize the amount if carbon.

We've raised the ppm of carbon in a span of 200 years, NOT THOUSANDS OF YEARS, and the earth is still catching up...

... and the thing about CO2 in the atmosphere is, it stays up there for about 20 years - so even if we stopped all carbon pollution today we would still see warming continue for another 20 years.

Do you GET IT now, Ryan?

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" ... the climate change grifters... "

Focusing on "grifters (green energy investors, etc)" when it comes climate change is no different from focusing "grifters (nutraceutical advocates, etc)" when it comes to public health.

What. About. The. Products. Of. The. Big. Industries. Involved. ???

Talking about the green energy industry that has emerged in the last several decades... but NOT talking about Big Oil, of which has known since the 1970s that carbon pollution would considerably contribute to the greenhouse effect and drive climate change?

Big Oil, the industry that has been funding junk climate science for decades to muddy the waters on climate change?

Big Oil, the industry that has spent millions and millions funding think tanks for decades to muddy public opinion on climate change?

I mean, how can it be that Big Pharma is an untrustworthy bad guy when it comes vaccines and public health... but Big Oil is a trustworthy good guy when it comes to carbon pollution and climate change?

It's as RFK, Jr.said, the climate change issue is being exploited by the WEF, WHO, BMGF, etc... but that doesn't mean that carbon pollution isn't leading to climate change, and to potential runaway feedback loops.

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Thank you for your efforts limit the length of your broadcasts. It does help. I have been following you on and off since 2020, and finding time to listen has often been challenging. I usually have to skip through, focusing on topics of particular concern. Speaking of which,

"…but because they are being subjected to some kind of sexual perversion as an infant…". This comment, made in passing, points in the direction of possible actual causes for some of the perverse behaviors being seen. What is done is done in secret, to children possibly too young to remember.

Another cause with which I am personally familiar broaches a topic so sensitive and so confused that I hesitate to say anything about it. We have this insane idea going about now that young children with gender identity issues should be encouraged to transition, socially and medically. I was one of those young children, but in a different era (1950's) where there was a different, but still very problematic, response.

To what is being done now, I say "no way", but I say the same thing about what I encountered in the 50's, which was silence. There was no way the underlying problem (NOT transition, but gender identity) could ever be mentioned, forcing the child utterly "into the closet", with no recourse but to hide and dream up solutions in a vacuum. Zero communication. This behavior on the part of adults very definitely could lead to abnormal behavior on the part of the children.

The resolution would be parent-child communication, understanding, and compassion, not transition and medical interventions. It is a very difficult situation to be in as a child, and to live through, if it persists. That has to be acknowledged. Such communication was usually absent then, and I fully expect that it still is.

My situation is unusual, in that there is an underlying endocrine disorder, undiagnosed until I was 54. There is also radiological evidence of an unusually small pituitary gland, and separate evidence of other brain abnormalities producing a form of what is now called autistic spectrum disorder (and yes, trans-autistic people are not that unusual).

Ironically, proscribing any talk about any of the problems, including the additional symptoms that surfaced at puberty, prevented any possibility of early medical intervention, which in turn may well have saved my life. I met someone once who had Kleinfelter syndrome (XXYY chromosomes), and who was "medically intervened upon" earlier in life. Sad situation. So I'm not complaining. It worked out.

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I appreciate Ryan's careful handling of trans issues. There are some of us out here that ended up in this mess too early on in life to have made any kind of "lifestyle choice". From the symptoms, I suspect that my mother was given an endocrine disrupting pharmaceutical while she was carrying me (in 1950), a topic that does not receive much attention.

I notice when someone speaks in a way that does not dismiss our existence. Thank you.

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