Transgender Industry Whistleblower Speaks Out: "We Need A Moratorium"

A self-described transgender activist working in the field comes forward with powerful testimony disclosing the corruption and lack of care within the establishment of transgender medicine

Article by Scott Armstrong | Rebunked News | @RebunkedNews

Clip from The Daily Wrap-up with Ryan Cristián: France Is Being Used To Justify Total Information Control & Transgender Whistleblower Speaks Out (7/3/2023)

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Behind the Curtain

In the above clip, Ryan does an excellent breakdown of an article published by The Free Press ( entitled “I Thought I Was Saving Trans Kids. Now I’m Blowing the Whistle” by Jamie Reed, a “42-year-old St. Louis native, a queer woman, and politically to the left of Bernie Sanders.”

Reed describes the argument used by the transgender medical establishment for early childhood transgender hormone treatment, which is: “the earlier you treat kids with gender dysphoria, the more anguish you can prevent later on.”

Jamie Reed, whistleblower. All photos courtesy of The Free Press (Theo R. Welling)

They have done a mesmerizing job of painting anyone who challenges their core beliefs or ideology as being full of hate, and in some cases, as responsible for the deaths of gender dysphoric people who take their own lives.

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Reed describes her decision to come forward about what she was seeing the industry:

Today I am speaking out. I am doing so knowing how toxic the public conversation is around this highly contentious issue—and the ways that my testimony might be misused. I am doing so knowing that I am putting myself at serious personal and professional risk.

Almost everyone in my life advised me to keep my head down. But I cannot in good conscience do so. Because what is happening to scores of children is far more important than my comfort. And what is happening to them is morally and medically appalling.

While initially taken aback by the lack of protocols, Reed began to get more concerned at the low threshold needed to actually begin life-altering, sterilizing, irreversible medical interventions:

To begin transitioning, the girls needed a letter of support from a therapist—usually one we recommended—who they had to see only once or twice for the green light. To make it more efficient for the therapists, we offered them a template for how to write a letter in support of transition. The next stop was a single visit to the endocrinologist for a testosterone prescription. 

That’s all it took. 

When a female takes testosterone, the profound and permanent effects of the hormone can be seen in a matter of months. Voices drop, beards sprout, body fat is redistributed. Sexual interest explodes, aggression increases, and mood can be unpredictable. Our patients were told about some side effects, including sterility. But after working at the center, I came to believe that teenagers are simply not capable of fully grasping what it means to make the decision to become infertile while still a minor. 

We want to encourage you to take a moment and read the entire article. This is obviously coming from a person who lives in the milieu of the LGBT lifestyle, and her decision to speak out was necessitated by the absolute heinous nature of the industry that she witnessed. She has put it all on the line to share an alternate perspective from behind the curtain.


Social Contagion

The bottom line is that this is a political movement that is using kids as weapons to drive forward a cruel and anti-human agenda. The idea of a “social contagion,” which gets kicked down by the trans movement as hateful, simply describes the rapid and inorganic increase in the amount of children seeking these types of treatments. Between social media, peer groups and ideological parents looking to tokenize their children, something has shifted dramatically in the last several years towards the normalization of butchering children.

On a side note, another great place to get information about the social contagion aspect of this whole conversation is the movie “Cut: Daughters of the West,” that shows the escalation of this phenomenon tied directly to the proliferation of social media. While a lot of conservative platforms grift through sensationalizing the conversation, showing half naked little boys dancing provocatively at strip clubs to enrage their audience (in order to get money from the audience), this film goes into the real life impact with a focus on how girls are specifically targeted and are being lost.

I had the privilege of interviewing Simon on my show Rebunked News a few months ago:

While gender dysphoria can exist in nature, the massive increase is not a result of biological factors and should be addressed in a manner that doesn’t tear down the fabric of our society and, of course, generate large sums of money for pharmaceutical companies and clinics.

This topic is hard for me to cover, personally. When I first started really waking up many years ago, I was incredulous over the issue of child trafficking. I spent a lot of time digging in and researching it because I thought “this couldn’t possibly be true.” I watched all kinds of documentaries, read all sorts of documents, read a couple books, learned all about the Finders, the Franklin Scandal, government cover-ups from around the world, all of the journalists who had died trying to report on it and I found myself in a really dark place. I had to consciously take a step back and not look into that topic anymore. I fully understood the breadth of it and it caused a lot of feelings of helplessness, despair, rage and sometimes wrath. It propelled me into wanting to take a more activist role in the awakening that was happening in the world. Not long after that, all of the Jeffrey Epstein information began coming out. And then of course, COVID happened and I began podcasting, covering the topic of trafficking on many shows.

Nowadays, with all of the conversations around the mutilation of children disguised as “gender affirming care”, I feel those same feelings rise to the surface. It ties into that deep, core despair that I felt with all of the child trafficking research. I notice the same feelings of helplessness, sadness, and of occasionally, that feeling of wrath once again. I really hate a lot of the coverage that exists out there on the topic. There's no attempt to work towards any solutions, it's just one side fighting the other or media outlets sensationalizing it for profit. I have started unfollowing accounts that post child trans images in a sensational or exploitative way, even friends of mine. Obviously there's a bigger agenda at play here, the divide and conquer has never been as intense. Sadly, the children are caught in the middle of it.

I appreciate how Ryan covers the topic, showing the nature of the what is happening in the world without sensationalizing it, helping to bring genuine awareness to a topic that hopefully one day we can all look back on with disgust and shame for having allowed humanity to sink to such a level.

My hope is that as we continue to build out of this dying system, we can create a world where each individual is allowed to blossom in their own gifts, to see the value that their Creator has granted them and that we can truly understand that we are all born perfect creations the way we were meant to be.


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