Wow wth? Charlie is either willfully ignorant or dumb about BTC.

It's just like how WikiLeaks and Assange team went along with the con-vid bs and the shots.

So he's either naive or hiding his BTC knowledge.

If someone is that naive, why follow them?

If someone is hiding information, why follow them?

Perhaps he's invested in it just like his buddy pump and dump crypto scammer Jeff Berwick.

In that case why trust him if he's playing dumb about his BTC position?

Can't stand these fake libertarians who ride BTC and other tech bro bs.

Judge people by who they look up to. 👇


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Great interview. I definitely see a lot of worrisome aspects of Trumps presidency so far. And at the same time, it does feel good to have some of the waste and fraud exposed. I understand why people are so happy about it.

The problem with arguing against what is happening, to someone who thinks it's great, is that you are essentially defending the way things are currently running. Decades of trillion dollar deficits/inflation, regime changes all over the world, bribes, endless wars, endless bureaucracy, and a lot more, and both major parties are accomplices to it. It's completely unsustainable. So if Trump appears to be shaking things up and cutting excess spending, it's really hard to argue that we should keep the current system in place.

Realistically, If Trump doesn't do what he is doing, there is exactly a 0% chance that anything will improve because the waste and abuse has been occurring under both major parties since any of us have been alive. I suspect Trump is just an agent for transition to a new financial system of some kind. Which is probably inevitable. He ushered in the biomedical fascism state too and nothing was able to stop that either. They set it up so that the only way forward is more centralized control.

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read 1 nation under black mail. its good

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putin is wef

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Lol-bertarians always ignoring how macro-economics ACTUALLY works to justify their completely idiotic and black-hearted cheerleading the unjustifiable position of firing government employees (with children and mortgages). Fucking moron

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