I was curious about that myself, good topic. I don't have any BitCoin.

If I am researching something and I run across info that is exactly what I want to hear, I'm immediately suspicious of it.

Edit ... and that was awesome. I now have an understanding of Bitcoin and that universe that is a magnitude above where I was.

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There's one giant problem with the idea that the bitcoin whitepaper was released by the nsa or some other govt/military/banking entity for nefarious purposes: the technology actually DOES eliminate the need for a third party to mediate a digital transaction. Granted, bitcoin is trash and does NOT work as intended, but that is ultimately because of the human factor. Looking at it through this lens can explain everything that follows the release of the bitcoin whitepaper as the banking establishment working to take control of the project and ultimately turn it into a tool that advances their agenda, which is where we are today. AND, more importantly, it is in the favor of the banking establishment to promote the idea that bitcoin/blockchain was their project from the start because this dissuades freedom-oriented new comers (who are not technically inclined) from further considering other crypto projects as viable solutions for financial freedom. If the plan from the start was simply to normalize digital currencies, even a dummy like me can think of more direct methods. But the game theory aspect is something to consider, I guess. I'll try to read the john nash stuff you mentioned.

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Considering BTC will always be contingent on a reliable source of electrical power and access to the internet itself -- both easily turned off or denied by the state -- why would anyone play with fire? These concerns are NOT a whole other discussion.

You know nothing, and I mean NOTHING, about economics to suggest selling the USA gold reserves to get BTC makes any sense. This is such an ethnocentric, American exceptionalist, perspective it is truly laughable.

America can claim it will refuse to lose its reserve currency status, but it will not be America's choice. America is falling into the Thucydides Trap.

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To be fair, I should not have said "nothing' so emphatically, but there are real gaps in the understanding of monetary policy and its effects on the economy.

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'...Considering BTC will always be contingent on a reliable source of electrical power and access to the internet itself -- both easily turned off or denied by the state ...'

Same can be said for any form of payment other than physical. Debit cards, credit cards, wire transfers, echecks, etc all need power and the internet to transact. Its not an issue exclusive to digital coins. Also, bank accounts and credit cards can be frozen or closed down. And so long as there is power and internet, nobody can stop you from transacting in BTC or similar, nor can they seize your coins if you self-custody. Its not perfect, nothing is. Its merely a tool.

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I get that, but those are currencies being traded, not money. I'm from an era when people were taught to mind their own business. An era when it was impolite to ask someone how much they make, or how much they paid. Block chain, maybe BTC, it here to stay. So from my vantage point, it's spooky how cavalier people are with their privacy and earnings.

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I use the ones I use as money when / where I can. As do many other people.

This, I'm not sure what ya getting at though:

"...An era when it was impolite to ask someone how much they make, or how much they paid. Block chain, maybe BTC, it here to stay. So from my vantage point, it's spooky how cavalier people are with their privacy and earnings."

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My point is this: privacy doesn't matter to the majority. And there will be a price to pay for such recklessness.

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Ah, yes on that I agree with you 100%. That crowd are a real problem. All they care about is 'number go up' and if that means the feds regulating the shit out of it, they will cheer it on or worse, beg for it.

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Its a DARPA creation... there is absolutely nothing on the internet that is decentralized in the way you all think. I suggest you look up Sabrina Wallace from the Synergy Channel and brush up on some of the old techie they got out here for us that's in full use. And let me make it very clear this woman knows exactly what she's talking about and brings the receipts so if you want to know about tech go to this energy Channel. It's a DARPA creation just like almost everything else

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What a friggin nightmare! Bring back gold.

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Mark says most of the Bitcoin is owned by US persons but I have heard most Bitcoin owners are outside the US as are most of the miners and 70% of the chips required to mine Bitcoin are made in China? Any sources for this?

Also, regarding the debt isnt this overblown. The US has 220 trillion in assets (public and private) and we owe 36 trillion payable in our own currency which we can print.

Most of the recent debt is in short term treasuries which will be renewed at lower interest rates once the Fed lowers the rates. Congress can also allow the Fed to buy direct as the Fed must return the interest.

As for revenues being low thats a choice that can be eliminated with higher taxes on corporations and the rich like we had from the 40’s-70’s

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Interesting info about Steve Mnucin, how he should have been prosecuted, but Kamala was the DA---just convinces me even more that we are ruled over by an organized crime operation/network. I recently listened to an audio w/Dan Hanley (9/11 truther pilot) and Alan Sabrosky, and apparently there was a 9/11 truther who was in the process of writing a book about 9/11 https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Philip_Marshall (I was following Wayne Madsen's coverage of this when it happened) and he ended up dead with his teen kids and dog, in what was called a murder suicide. Apparently, Kamala was AG in CA and refused to look into the case.

off-topic, Max Igan interviews film/video/editing expert who demonstrates that much of what we were shown of 10/7 was AI generated video--the human eye cannot detect it until it's slowed down and studied frame by frame (e.g. "Hamas" on motorcycles that move, except the wheels are not actually spinning--apparently AI has trouble with small details):


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